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Dark's Pov
I smiled as Jack screamed in pain. I could see he was trying to stay conscious but it wasn't working. His weakness made me feel like a king. He wasn't even fighting back which made my job so much easier. Suddenly pain erupted in my stomach, causing me to bend over. Then something came flying into my face and flung me me back against the far wall. I looked up to see Anti. He was hunched over, slight giggles escaping his mouth. He slowly stood up properly. The blood that had stained his shirt disappeared.  The wounds I had created with my claws disappeared too.

I growled at him, he giggled in response. I charged at him full speed but just as I neared him he moved out of the way. I was going too fast to stop and ended up smashing head first into the wall. I pulled my head out of the hole I had created. I growled as I turned around just in time to see Anti climb up the wall, onto the roof, and twist his head around to face me. Bones and tendons cracked as they were forced to turn in directions they weren't meant to go. The sight and sound made me cringe. I may be a demon but that was a little too insane. He was like a cat clinging to the roof in fear, but also an owl with its head turned the wrong way round.

I ignored his figure and leapt up at him, swinging my arm in attempts to hit him. But just as my hand neared him he vanished. I fell into the chairs surrounding the broken dining table. Where the fuck did he go? Crazed laughing answered my question. I turned to where the noise was coming from to find Anti lying on the floor laughing his head off. I slowly claimed to my feet and crept up to him. He was still on the floor when I reached him. I leapt on top of him, this time he didn't move away, and pinned his hands to the ground. He kept laughing and it was driving me crazy.

"SHUT UP!" I shouted, but he didn't. I dug my claws into his wrists. He didn't stop laughing. I dug them deeper until I felt the bone against my nails. He still didn't stop laughing. "WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU!" I shouted. Gradually his giggles slowed to a slight giggle.

"I love it when you torture me Darky," he said with a smug grin on his face. I immediately pulled my nails out and his expression dropped. "Fine then," he disappeared from beneath me and reappeared on the other side of the room. So he has the ability to telleport. He was standing up, linking the blood of his wrists. He then clicked his fingers and everything returned to the way it was before our little fight. The hole in the wall vanished, the broken table and chairs were fixed and the blood that had spilled onto the floor evaporated

"How did you do That?" I asked him amazed. He shook his head and smiled at me.

"Another time Darky." I frowned at him angrily. "But for now we are late for a meeting and you know how cranky Flame gets when we're late." And with that, his characteristics returned to Jack's and he collapsed on the floor. I sighed and let Mark take over, leaving his mind completely and traveling to the only place I could roam freely without sharing a mind with him. Hell. ?. The horrid place I could home.

We'll that was fun. It took a while, but it was fun. I kept getting distracted. But when am I not. I hope ya like.

Our Dark Sides (Completed)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن