Chapter 17

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I was in the diner having lunch when my mom and Luke snuck in.

As soon as I heard the bell on the door jingle, I jumped up and ran right to her.  I nearly plowed her over by throwing my arms around her. 

"Oh my gosh!  I've missed you so much, kid!" Lorelai exclaimed. 

I just held on tighter.  "I've missed you too, mom!" I said. 

She held me out at an arms length.  "Let me take a look at you" she said, giving me a twirl.  I laughed, feeling really silly, but I remembered it wasn't me she was looking at - she was trying to see if she could spot her little jellybean yet. 

"Damn you and your good genes" she said with a laugh.  I laughed too, and I threw my arms around Luke.  "I've missed you too, Luke.  I'm happy you're both finally home!" I said with a smile. 

Jess came out from the kitchen to run the cash register for a customer, currently oblivious to the homecoming party.

"Has my punk nephew been taking good care of you?" He asked, nodding towards Jess. 

I smiled.  "He really has!  I had no idea he had it in him, but you didn't hear that from me" I said with a wink.   

Luke raised an eyebrow in surprise and then nodded with a smile.  "Good man" he said in approval.

"You going to come over and say hi, or does Rory just like me better than you do?" Luke teased from across the room.

"Don't go getting a big head, she told me she likes my French toast better than yours" Jess teased back, making his way over to us. 

He gave his uncle a quick hug and then backed back up just as quickly. 

"You can have the French toast title.  You'll never beat my pancakes.  Right, Ror?" Luke teased. 

"See, Jess?  Told ya" I said with a laugh. 

"So the diner's still standing!  That...was not at all a valid concern of mine" Lorelai teased when she saw us all looking at her.

"For now" Jess joked.

"Well, we're going to head home and unpack" Luke said, picking up his bags.

"Don't forget!  Girls night at KC's tonight at 7!  I already called Lane and Paris" Lorelai told me. 

"Are Babette and Miss Patty doing their 15 song cabaret again?" I asked with a laugh.

"They're still trying to work it out with the owner" she said with a laugh. 

"Can't wait!" I said with a laugh.

"Girls night?  What are you going to do when you leave the bar?  Braid each other's hair & have a pillow fight?" Jess teased. 

"Not once has that happened" Lorelai said incredulously.

"Ah, that's not entirely true.  There was that one time when we accidentally hit Paul Anka with a pillow and tried to fix his hair" I pointed out. 

"Yeah, I forgot about that.  His lawyer has asked us never to come within 1000ft of him again" Lorelai remembered.

"Dog Paul Anka?" Luke said.  Surely they couldn't mean the REAL Paul Anka.

"Wouldn't you like to know?" She said with a wink, and then she picked up her purse and went outside.

"I'm going to run upstairs and try to get some writing done.  This article has to be the hardest thing I have ever tried to write" I muttered. 

Jess nodded and I walked upstairs.

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