Chapter 60

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Luke and Lorelai hurried into the hospital – he made a beeline for the emergency room while she was at the elevators waiting for one to take them upstairs.  "Where the hell do you think you're going!?" she asked harshly.  "Why would she be upstairs?" Luke asked.  The door to the elevator dinged and opened.  "Because she's in the labor and delivery unit, Luke, get over now or I'm leaving without you!" she exclaimed.  He ran into the elevator just in time before it closed.  He was panting pretty heavily, since they were both in such a rush to get there.  She grabbed his arm and drug him out of the elevator as soon as they made it to the right floor.

"Where is my daughter!?  Rory – or Lorelai Gilmore.  I don't know what you have it listed under" she demanded. 

"I'm sorry, I can't give out that information.  She hasn't signed anything stating we are allowed to release her information" the nurse said. 

Lorelai looked as if she was going to come across the desk and tackle the woman who just gave her the worst possible answer, but Luke held her back and a notification dinged on her phone. 

"They're getting her hooked up to an IV.  She's being admitted" Logan's text said. 

"Admitted?  What's going on?  Where is she!?" she texted back. 

"Room 2318.  You can come on in" he said. 

"2318" Lorelai said in a snotty voice to the nurse behind the desk, and led Luke away, down the hall.

"I have been to SO many hospitals with you over the last few years...  And every single one of them still creeps me out" Luke muttered as she dragged him down the hall, ignoring his complaints.

She found the room and took in a deep breath, preparing herself for whatever ailing vision she was about to see.  She gently knocked and pushed the door open, but nothing could prepare her for seeing her beautiful daughter, hooked up to so many machines, looking small, and frail, and barely big enough for the bed.  When did she lose so much weight?  Had she really not paid enough attention to her daughter to realize how much weight she was losing?  She didn't look healthy at all, the color had left her face, there were dark circles around her sunken, but still beautiful blue eyes.  How could this have happened to her baby?

"You okay?" Luke asked, hearing the deep gasp escape her throat as her eyes laid onto the vision before her.

"Rory?" she asked helplessly.

Only now did I look up to the doorway.  "Mom?" I whispered.

"What's going on, kid?  What happened to you?" she whispered.

"Hyper...mesis...  Gravi-something" I whispered, defeatedly.

"Gravidum" Logan corrected. 

"What is that?  Wait – isn't that what Princess Kate had?  You mean to tell me that you've got royal symptoms goin on?" Lorelai teased, trying to make light of the scary situation.

I smiled slightly.  "Something like that" I whispered.

"For real though, kid, you don't look so good.  Why didn't you tell me?" she asked.

I shrugged.  "I didn't really realize it had gotten this bad...  I mean, I knew I was losing more than I was gaining, but I didn't realize it was THAT much.  I've lost ten pounds since my last appointment..."

"I'd say ten pounds is a hell of a lot to lose when you're supposed to be 15 weeks pregnant with twins..." Luke said protectively. 

I looked down and nodded.  Luke was right.  "I know.  I just didn't realize" I whispered.

"How are you feeling, Ace?  Can I get you anything?" Logan asked.

"I could really use some more of the blue raspberry slushy they have hiding in the staff room" I told him, full of hopefulness in my eyes. 

Logan laughed and nodded.  "You got it" he said, and he walked out.

"They sure have you hooked up to quite a lot of stuff here..." Lorelai said, feeling more comfortable, and looking around.

"Yeah, they're pumping me full of stuff to try to get nutrients into me and the baby" I whispered, and then I sighed, looking out the window.  "Mom, I don't know what I'm doing...  I'm already a horrible mother" I whispered, disappointed in myself.

"Why don't I just give you two a minute..." Luke said, as if on cue, and walked out the door to the hallway.

"What are you talking about, kid?" she asked gently.

"I just – I feel like I really blew it.  Like, the universe knew I couldn't handle this, and I didn't even try to prove it wrong" I whispered.

"Rory, 'the universe' had nothing to do with this.  You were meant to have these children, and no matter how hard it is, or will be, you will love them with all your heart because that is what a good mother does.  At times, it will be the most awful thing you could possibly endure, but then the rest of the time, you'll wonder how in the hell you got so lucky to be given the opportunity to be their mom.  I was half your age, with nowhere near your worldly experience when I had you, and you turned out to be the most amazing women I could have ever dreamt for.  You WILL figure this out, and in the meantime, you have SO many people who want to see you succeed, and who will go to the ends of the earth in order to help make that happen.  You are way stronger, and way more capable than you give yourself credit for, believe me.  You're a Gilmore.  What we tackle, we conquer – right?" Lorelai said.

I smiled at the memory of my grandfather telling me nearly those exact words.  God I missed him.  In some ways, I feel like he was the person who kept me the most grounded.  I would be so ashamed for him to see me like this, though.  So broken spirited and the exact opposite of the fire he always saw in me. 

"He would be so disappointed in me" I whispered.

"No.  Just concerned.  Just like we all are, sweetheart" she promised, running her fingers through my hair.

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