Camila last part

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I'm so done with this drama, like stop throwing shade and just move on. They posted that they hear from her representative that they that she's leaving then on the second letter they said that they know she's leaving since November, like are you serious. Then Why making at a big deal if she already told that she's leaving since November? Just fucking move on with it, this drama causing so much shit with a lot of people. Support who you want to support and the fucking management should just fucking shut up and do their job right. This people should give us hope, love and happiness but with this? They are ruining everyone emotionally. Support Camila and the girls if you love them or support only Camila or the other 4 girls. Fighting and shading people won't get us anywhere. We won't going to find What's really happened because everyone will cover it and throw accusation to each other. We only fuel it by reacting to it. Just support who you want and stop all the drama. This things want me to be out of the fandom because this really put me down in so much shit. We are fighting with everyone in this fandom, like we should be friends and supporting each and everyone but we are starting pickup sides if you are a true fan what ever happened you will support each girl and forgive them and love them. I'm so done.  I'm not going to say anything after this again because whatever we say Nothing can change. All we need to do is accept it, support and love them. I love the girls equally and I will support them no matter what.

#wesupportcamila #ot5tilltheEnd #ilovefifthharmony

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