Idea - Phobias

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I've been thinking, I've done many different phobias before, but I've never done a phobia series where its either the character or reader has the phobia. Here are the ones I really want to these:

Nagito: Inferiority complex (It's not a fear, but I want to make is so Reader is afraid of being above people, so thats why they clash with Nagito)

Izuru: Acrophobia - Fear of heights 

Hajime: Eremophobia - Fear of being oneself

Fuyuhiko: Philophobia - Fear of falling in love

Ishimaru: Monophobia - Fear of being alone (oh shit iTS ME WHATUP. I legit have this fear)

Mondo: Coulrophobia - Fear of clowns

Sonia: Anxiety - The feeling of worrying, basically you worry about everything and its just colossal clusterfuck.

Gundham: Phonophobia - Fear of loud noises

If you have any others, let me know! ^0^

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