Chapter 10 - Confession

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Sunggyu POV

I left the guys and went to a nearby convenience store to buy snacks and drinks. On my way back, I saw jieun alone by the corner of the street.

"You're going somewhere?"

"O-oppa? What are you doing out here at this hour?"

"I went out to buy these...What about you?" I showed her the plastic bag that I'm carrying.

"A-aah...I need to buy some medicine for colds, Naeun's not feeling well so I thought of buying her some but unfortunately that store doesn't sell any so I have to go and search for the other store nearby."

"Mmm...If it's cold medicine, I think I got some on my drawer- Ah you don't have to go on the other store, I'll just have Woohyun search for it at the dorm and hand it over to Naeun in no time...It's getting late, if you'll continue on you'll might catch a cold soon too."

I put out my phone and started dialing Woohyun. He picked up fast to my relief.


"Yes hyung? W-where are you?" he sounded concerned.

"A-aah...I'm with Jieun now but Wooohyun-ah, I need you to look for some cold medicines on my drawer and give it to Naeun- ok?"

"C-cold medicines??"

"Yeah! Do it now fast and make sure Naeun takes it, Ok?"

"O-ok hyung..."

"I'll hung up."

"W-wait. W-when-"


Just like that I hung up the call. I'm sure Woohyun got it right, trusting him- he'll do it just as I told him so. I turn back my attention to Jieun.

"Don't worry~ Woohyun will find some and give it to Naeun so let's head back if we're done here."

"Thanks oppa. That helps a lot." We started walking back to the dorm.

"Uhmm...Sunggyu oppa-" She paused for a moment.


"C-can I have a short talk with you before going back to the dorm?"

"Yeah~Sure." I nodded.

We stopped by a playground, no one seems to be around. I took a seat on one of the swings, Jieun sat on the other one next to me.

"Oooh...I think it's been a while since we last rode on these..." she giggled as she swings lightly back and forth.

"You think so?" I giggled with her.

"Anyway- what do you want to talk about?" I started. She slowly made her swing stop and looked down at the ground.

"M-mmm...this might sound awkward b-but I-I thought I mistakenly heard something from you the other night."

I felt embarrassed that she really heard it. I looked at her and she's still having her face down.

"What did you heard from me?" I wanted to be sure if it's what I thought she'd heard though.

"W-well I thought I-I heard you y-you like me?" so it's confirmed-she heard my confession. Now I only need to settle this straight and prove to her that it's no mistake at all.

"A-aah...hehe, I think it's not what I heard though. W-well you see, I walked past you that time and you're facing my back when I mistakenly heard something...but it's not like you really said that you like me, right?? I misheard it anyway so..."

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