Chapter 32

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Yura POV

“Seolhyun! Hurry up~ the driver’s already here to fetch us.” I yelled out to Seolhyun who is still busy packing up her things.

I already told her to have her things ready last night but she didn’t even listen to me though she looked like she was listening to me but in the end she’s completely in her own world. I sighed.

After a minute, she came out from her room rushing towards me with a smile. I shook my head.

“I already told you to get your things ready last night. What were you doing?” I raised a brow.

“S-sorry. You know that I spent the whole day with Sungjong oppa yesterday. I’m just drained off so I unconsciously dozed off to sleep.” She forced a smile.

“Quit lying to me. You obviously stayed up all night.” I tilted my head and scanned her from head to foot.

“W-what?” she followed my gaze with a questioning look.

Aiiish… why does she looks good on anything!? Though she’s my sister, I get insecure sometimes.

“Nothing. You go ahead and take this with you. I forgot my phone in my room. I’ll be there in a minute.” She nodded and took the bag that I was holding.

“I know that anything looks good on me unni… cheer up! You have quite a figure too.” She said with a wink as she passed by me and lightly giggled.

I glared back at her before I went straight to my room for my phone. Tch… she’s so conceited. >,<

After I got my phone, I stayed in front of the mirror for a minute. No doubt, just like what my dear conceited sister told me earlier- I have quite a figure. Haha. It’s not bad! All I need is to accentuate my best features. Why am I even doing this now? Aissh… I’ll stop this, I need to hurry! The driver’s waited for too long now.

I immediately rushed out of the house. Outside’s Seolhyun along with Sungjong putting all our things at the back of the car. So Sungjong came too, I thought it’s only going to be the driver.

“Oh! Good morning noona!” Sungjong brightly greeted me. I smiled in return.

He’s taking couple of intent look at Seolhyun after that. It’s as if he’s mesmerized by her or something. Seolhyun on the other hand looks thrilled by that. Tch… if I really don’t have any idea on what this two are up to until now, I might believe that they’re truly in love with each other. In the end, I faked a cough and that caught their attention. Haha… those two makes me cringe seriously. ~,~

“Let’s go?” I asked and they just nodded.

Sungjong opened the back seat of the van as Seolhyun gets inside first. He then shifted his attention to me and led me in but I rejected him.

“I’ll allow you to sit next to my Seolhyun-ie Sungjong…” I smiled before I continued. “Are you planning on taking the front seat? Can I sit there instead?”

“Uhh… n-noona… it’s fine. You may sit there. Hehe… I’ll join Seolhyun at the back seat then.” He answered back with a tensed laugh. I smiled in return. He still gets nervous in front of me.

 “Oh~ and by the way…” I opened the front seat’s door as he continued. “Woohyun hyung’s driving for us today.” He lastly smiled and got in the car before I did.

I literally froze. Sh*t! What did I get myself into? I should’ve just stayed at the back seat. Now I’m still not moving an inch. The door’s already open but I can’t seem to move myself inside the car even my head won’t turn.

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