Chapter 36

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Part 36


“Ah!” I yelped in pain.

“Why were you drunk last night? You didn’t even inform us that you were drinking. Here, this might help you lessen your hangover.” Dongwoo hyung handed me a cup of coffee and seated next to me as he gently rubbed my back in a circular motion. It somehow helped.

“Thanks.” I smiled shortly and started sipping the coffee. It’s not too hot, just perfectly warm for me not to get my tongue burned.

“It’s a good thing you were with Naeun last night hyung. Something bad might happen to you if it weren’t for her. You might get raped!” Sungjong popped out from nowhere and stood in front of me with this weird look.

He’s getting all hyper this early morning. And what? Raped?! Tch… If only I could smack that little head of his. But no, I won’t do that. He’s the maknae and already received a lot from hyungs. I’m supposed to be the one on his side, right? But what? Tch… Raped?! Jincha!!! Aisssh…

“Yah! Raped?! Seriously? Tch… and who said that Naeun’s with me? I went to a mini bar by myself.” I’m obviously controlling my temper besides I’m still feeling a bit sick of the hangover. Calm down. =.=

“Eh? She was here with you last night. She’s the one who brought you back to this room, remember?” Dongwoo hyung added, shock was on his face.

I stared at him for quite a while before he let out a sheepish grin. I don’t get him really. What’s there to be grinning about? My face? MY HANDSOME FACE? What? =.=

“Hehehe… to be honest, it was quite weird catching you two on the same bed sleeping while tightly hug-“ I turned around to Sungjong this time and cut him off immediately.

“What?!” That was out of my control already. Hehe. But w-what? Was that a hug he was trying to say? Me and Naeun, on the same bed, hugging? Ow scratch that! ‘Tightly’ Hugging? hihihi ^3^

“Naaah… don’t mind Sungjong-ie and just drink your coffee. Sunggyu hyung said that we’ll be leaving in an hour.” Dongwoo hyung butted in before I could even enjoy myself at the mere thought of Naeun and me in a tight hug. Tch… such a party pooper hyung! >,<

Now, I’m getting weird am I? I’m supposed to be cool, not a pussy getting all giddy by just a tight hug! Damn! Myungsoo!!!! o.O

“That was quite a sight hyung!” Sungjong interrupted my thoughts this time. I felt a sudden rush of blood forming on my cheeks. They’re probably showing by now but I can’t let that happen so I turned away for them not to notice.

“Yah! Just go get yourself ready Sungjong-ie!” Gladly Dongwoo hyung shut him off before it can get any worse. And by the time he set their eyes on me. My flushed cheeks where nowhere to be seen.

“Fine.” Sungjong started walking away from us. He probably went to the bathroom. I sighed in relief. That maknae can get so annoying at times. >,<

“Hey. After you finish that, get yourself ready too.” Dongwoo hyung motioned to stand up from bed. He tapped my shoulder in the process. I’m very grateful having a hyung like him. He’s almost like a mother to me. ^^

“Yeah.” I nodded in return and sip the coffee more. He was about to make his way out but I stopped him of my sudden thought.

“Uh… hyung, did Naeun really sleep- I mean is what Sungjong said earlier true?” I curiously asked him. I hope he answers me with his right state of mind because he kind of lost it sometimes.

“Aaah… Kyakyakyakya… right.” Yeah, right. Should I trust him? With that freakin’ laugh? I don’t even know what’s there to laugh about.

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