Chapter 38

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Yura POV

“What are you doing here?” Woohyun asked.

“As I’ve said earlier, she’ll be joining us today! I really had a fun talk with her while I waited for you.” Reina answered on my behalf.

Woohyun examined me before he glanced back at Reina. He seemed to be suspicious about me. I think I should better find a way out of this situation fast. I can’t be in a place near him or maybe, he doesn’t want me in a place near him.

“Uh… I think I’ll pass for today. I just recalled –“

“Join us.” He casually said which surprised me. Did I hear him said it right? He’s making me join their ‘whatever’ fun stuff they’re up to.


“Yippiee! Come on Yura. Let’s get going then!” Reina cheered as she stood up from her seat and happily linked arms with me causing me to slightly out-balance as I got on my feet.

Reina dragged me out and walked straight towards her car while Woohyun silently tagged along behind.

“I’ll drive.” Woohyun said as soon as we reached Reina’s red car.

“Fine. Here!” Reina tossed her car key and Woohyun flawlessly caught it with a hand. He then got in the driver’s seat while Reina seated next to him in the front seat. I hesitated at first but seeing that they’re already on their seats looking up at me with ‘what-are-you-waiting-for’ look, I hesitantly opened the back seat’s door and got in.

“Where are we going?” I asked Reina in what I thought was a whisper so only she could hear but I bet it was still audible to Woohyun. Though it doesn’t make sense at all, why am I even whispering?

Reina looked back at me with a jolly grin and said,

“We’re off for an adventure today so how about we go for a bungee jumping?” she started switching glances between me and Woohyun, assessing our response.

But wait- BUNGEE JUMPING?! That’s too… errr…

“That’s fine with me.” Woohyun answered as he nodded in response.

“Great! Yura?” Reina turned back to face me. Woohyun did the same. They both stared at me expectantly.

I nervously gulped and nodded. I can’t spoil their fun just because I’m not into Bungee Jumping!

 “Perfect! Bungee Jumping here we go!”

I can’t do Bungee… heights… no….

Seolhyun POV

“Oh… Oh! My unni’s back! Look! ” she instantly became giddy and pointed somewhere behind my back so I turned to where she’s pointing.

I saw two figures coming to our direction who’re merrily chatting over some- maybe a funny topic. The girl whom I presume is Yuri’s sister, certainly looks really familiar but then I was surprised when I turned to look at the guy laughing hilariously next to her. Isn’t that Dongwoo? O.o

Yuri ran towards her unni and said something to her that makes them looked up at me. She must’ve told her about me. Yuri then waved her hands and smiled at me. I did the same back to her. In the process, Dongwoo held my gaze and he was stunned to see me brightly smiling at him too. Despite the shock, he still managed to awkwardly smile back.

“Unni she helped me with my hair.” Yuri cheerfully told her sister.

They’re now standing right in front of me. I can sense that Dongwoo’s quite awkward of the situation while Yuri’s sister has no single idea about me knowing Dongwoo personally.

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