Chapter 22 - SOME

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Seolhyun POV

“Yah! Just meet me there at 6pm ok?” he stood in front of me with his hands in his pockets.

“B-but oppa! I’m not yet ready…”

“Oh? Ready for what?! Seolhyun…”


“Haha…Those guys are fine! You’ll be ok.”

“Hmm… why are they holding up a party at your dorm tonight?”

“Aaah…noona- Jieun noona got us a treat for her successful debut as a solo artist. I just received this information from Woohyun hyung and I thought this might be the best time to introduce you to them so I came here as soon as I heard about it.”

“B-but is it really ok?!”

“Of course! She even asked us to invite other friends too. She said that’ll be fun that way, Woohyun hyung told me this.”

“Fine! Do I still need to get dressed formally for that?”

“No need! Just dress up casually. I’ll see you later! Bye.” He lightly pinched my right cheek.

“Aiiish…you just came here to inform me about that.” I pouted trying to act cute out of nowhere. Seriously?! Something’s wrong with me. =.=

“Yeah. Oh right! This too…” he smacked a kiss on my cheek and started walking away after that.

“That’ll be all. Bye babe.” He turned back for the last time, smiled and finally left after waving good-bye.

I stood still. Sungjong oppa- stop giving me sweet shivers with those kisses also stop calling me ‘babe’ for God’s sake! You’re making me fall for you. =^^=

Dongwoo POV

“Hey! Yu-yu-yura! W-w-what’s UP!?” Woohyun lively greeted her as soon as we entered the room.

It’s amazing to know that we’re actually classmates with Yura for a long time now and we don’t even notice each other until Jieun met Hoya and became close with the rest of us. I sometimes believe that its fate. ^^

“Yo! W-w-what’s UP?!” Yura cheerfully replied him.

She’s such a cool girl. Just a little push and I think Woohyun might actually fall for her charms.

“Hey Jieun.” I greeted her who was sitting next to Yura.

“Hi oppa.” She greeted me back but her eyes were focused on the other members entering the room.

“You’re looking for someone, I see.”

I gave her a sheepish grin. She looked flustered. It’s obvious that she’s looking for that tough man- Hoya.

“A-aah…W-where’s H-hoya?” she kind of stuttered.

She’s so cute. ^^ This girl really has something on Hoya. I can sense it! That Hoya- he’s so lucky.

“Aye… Just as I thought!” I smiled.

“Oooh…so you’re looking for Hoya eh? Perhaps, are you interested with that punk Jieun-ie?” Woohyun teased her.

“Hehe…I’m seeing you blush now, my girlfriend.” Yura joined Woohyun with the teasing.

“Unni!” she yelled at Yura.

“Haha…Hoya’s sick and he can’t come today but don’t worry that guy won’t die from colds. He’ll be fine!” Woohyun said.

“Oh right! You’re invited on Jieun noona’s party at the dorm later. Please come and if you want to see Hoya, he’ll be there.” He added and gave her a wink.

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