Chapter 34

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A/N: I hope you enjoy <3 please comment and vote to make my day :)

Jungkook's POV

"I didn't do anything, I swear!" I screamed and tried to yank my hand away.

"Do you really think I believe you?" he shouted back, sounding so angry. He reached back to the kitchen counter and my eyes widened.

"No, please! Don't! You can't!"

"I can't, huh?" He laughed. "Who are you going to tell? Mum? Do you really think she would believe you, or even care?"

"Yes!" I didn't. I had seen it many times before. My dad just looked at me, his face frustrated but amused with me. I already knew I had lost. "Don't", I whined.

"Don't do what?" he asked and finally took the object from the counter. I squeezed my eyes shut as he pressed the sharp, cold metal against my arm.

I waited for the pain, which I hadn't become numb to (yet), to come. It didn't, so I slowly opened my eyes. He was looking down at me, narrowing his eyes at my tears that were falling down my cheeks.

"Are you scared, baby boy?"

I almost threw up.

"You know what?" he asked and lifted the blade off my skin. I felt like I could breath again, but the warmth inside me turned into ice when he held out the blade, opened his mouth and said: "Maybe you will do it by yourself this time?"

I opened my eyes as Jimin shook me and took a breath that felt like the first one in a few hours. I immediately curled my arms around his waist and pressed my head against his chest, breathing in his calming scent, trying to get my breaths even again.

I remembered how before it had taken me a few seconds to realize I wasn't in any kind of danger because at home, even if it had been a dream that time, I had always been in danger of getting hurt. First, when I had come here, when I had been woken up I had been relieved that I was awake and not in a nightmare anymore. Then had come the panic – where was I? Had my dad kidnapped me or something? – before realizing I was safe. Now just the grip Jimin held from my shoulders to shake me awake was enough to me to feel safe. It made me feel like home more than anything from my parents' house.

Jimin held me tight against his chest but as I started to fall asleep again, I felt his hand taking mine.

First I thought that maybe he wanted just to held my hand but then he squeezed it slightly, in a way that if I had been asleep it wouldn't have woken me up. I let out an mhh to let him know I was awake and ready to talk if he had something. I cleared my throat a little, though it did nothing to my raspy voice. "What's wrong?"

Jimin's voice was even raspier. I kind of liked it. "I... I'm just worried about Yoongi."

The memory of his panicked voice flashed in my head. I frowned. "Me too. Maybe we should talk to him at school?"

I felt Jimin shake his head. "No, not at school. He'd feel like we didn't have time for him, other than when we had to hang out with him. We have to let him know we want to talk if he wants to but not push it too much."

"Yeah." I nodded in agreement. "But what if he never wants to talk to us? Or if he ignores us?"

"Well..." Jimin stopped to think for a minute while drawing small circles to my back with his thumb. "We talk to him after school and we go over if he doesn't."

"He said he doesn't want us there."

"Yes, but he needs us there. You heard him, something's wrong."

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