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Hi! Some of you were interested on seeing all the drafts and things I had already come up for Falling Tears. If you're interested, keep going!

Anyways, now to the funny (and not so funny) stuff I found from the notes on my phone.

The two drafts of the beginning of Chapter 62 can be found at the end. Also, none of this has ever been proofread or even read over, so if you think I suck, you're probably right.

July 28th, 2018

"See? Quick and efficient."

"Is that what you say in bed too?"

July 4th, 2018

"It's just in your head!"

"Yeah? Where else is it supposed to be?!"

December 31st, 2017

"You're an asshole."

"No, I have an asshole that you stuck your dick in yesterday!"

December 4th, 2017

"I'm eating for sadness. So when I get fat, you know it's your fault."

August 6th, 2017


"No. Everything affects on everything."

"That's where you're wrong. I was just reading about ecosystem the other day. Not everything affects on everything, but everything affects on something."

July 31st, 2017

This was not one of those "he felt jealous but he didn't know why" moments where he later realized he was in love. No, this was seriouslynot knowing why he was jealous.

...Okay. Maybe this was one of those times.

July 25th, 2017

"Jungkook, you know how I'm always like 'oh I wish I was as smart as you'? Well, right now you're a douche, okay? You're an idiot."


July 23rd, 2017

(translated from Finnish)

Chim saves a caterpillar and tells Yoongi how as a kid he used to have those carnivorous plants. Eventually Jungkook byes him a book called "owlet moth caterpillars of Northern Europe volume 1" (this is a real book, my brother has it...) and it pushes Jimin to be more into biology. ANYWAYS Chim takes the caterpillar home with him and is like

"Sumin, can you go an buy one of those candy boxes?"

"Why? Did you get a sweet tooth?"

"No. It's for my caterpillar."

Looks down.

"Oh shit, I didn't –"

"Jimin, I'm sure it's bigger, give yourself some credit." Yoongi

June 29th, 2017

"I don't need college. I'll... do something."


"Yeah. I'll get a safari and put emus and reindeer there."

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