Chapter 51

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A/N: There's some important points in the A/N at the end so read it if you have time! Ps. Please make my day by voting and commenting! <3

Jimin's POV

"Just like go home, hug him or whatever you do when you get home and act fucking normal!"

I groaned. It doesn't work like that.

Yoongi's idea was good in theory. If Jungkook and I pretended to be normal, maybe we would soon be. If I went home and kissed him and smiled, he would be confused for a second but think everything was alright after that. The problem was that I couldn't act normal around him. It hurt too much to know he didn't want me anymore, and that fact wouldn't go away even if I pretended otherwise. I wanted to be able to do that, to go home and kiss him like the last couple of days hadn't happened, because who knew when Jungkook realized he didn't want me anymore. I should enjoy the days when he still thought he did, right?

It just didn't feel right. Nothing felt right, and I found myself groaning again. I threw my head back and stared at the darkening sky. It went black in front of my eyes until I blinked and could see the clouds again.

I blinked again in confusion. After a couple of second the sky went black again and I wobbled. I blinked again, this time facing the road and tried to regain balance. My head felt funny. Everything was spinning. I stumbled forwards until a hand steadied me.

"And when you go home, you're going to eat something", hissed Yoongi from behind his teeth angrily. He stopped walking and waited that I was able to stand without falling. After that he let go of my arm carefully.

I took a deep breath and the world was clear again. What the hell?

"Jimin, don't think I didn't see your hands shaking the whole time we worked."

I looked guiltily down. He was right. I had almost dropped a cup and a plate at some point because my hands had shook so much. I had known Yoongi was staring at me but I had smiled and clenched my hands into fists. It was fine. It was... just fine.

"You have to eat, Jimin."

I rolled my eyes as I started to feel annoyed. I hadn't seen Yoongi eat anything all day either, so how he did have a right to tell me this? "You have to eat too", I said smugly.

Yoongi narrowed his eyes. "I'm doing just fine."

I gave him a big fake smile. "So am I."

"Don't start this with me, Park Jimin. You're going home and you're going to hang out with your boyfriend and you're going to eat. Do you understand?" Yoongi sounded angry and I knew I should've just agreed but I found it too ridiculous.

"If you don't eat, why should I?"

Yoongi gritted his teeth. "Jimin."

"What?" I asked with fake innocence. I knew I was being annoying but I didn't care. "I seriously don't understand your logic."

Yoongi sighed and rubbed his face. "Jimin, just go home."

"What, you're not going to answer to my question?"


"That's rude. Yoongi, did you know you don't make all the rules around here?"

"That's enough." Yoongi's eyes flashed as if he wanted to say a lot more. "Go home and eat something."

I shrugged.

"I'll call Jungkook and tell him you haven't eaten", he threatened.

I let out a humorless laugh. "Like he cares."

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