Chapter 60

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"Is this it? An ex?" I asked in sign. Maybe Marco just got the wrong idea thinking it was new or something. But he usually checks his phone a lot.

"There's more posts and pictures," he signed as he took back his phone. "With a lot of different girls."

"But if they're all ex's pictures, they don't matter. He wouldn't cheat, Marco." They were old pictures. Months, some even years ago.

But Marco didn't let go of his expression. "I didn't want to say anything at all. But I already knew I'd seen him somewhere before, since you started hanging out with him." He signed and started scrolling through his phone. What had he been doing, researching Jasper? If he had gone through all that trouble maybe he was right. Maybe Jasper wasn't honest. No! Seriously this was not true.

I don't care if Jasper has had exes. I'm not going to be jealous over the past. Jasper wouldn't care if I had an ex. That's not how it works.

But Abbie? I'd seen and heard that name before.

"Just text me it," I stopped him from scrolling, "and if it makes you feel better I'll talk to Jasper about the old posts." It would make myself feel better too. Abbie had been mentioned with his aunt and uncle, so she had been there before. And they obviously knew her because they confused our names a lot.

"Okay," he signed and slid his phone away. "Don't worry about me. We both said things." He signed.

I wanted to hug him. Maybe my life was piecing itself back together. Slowly but surely. Before he turned to go Marco looked at me and raised his hands again. "Can I hug you?" He asked in sign.

I nodded, and threw my arms around him in a hug. It was quick and short, but I missed my friend. At that we just, as if it was normal, went back to class.
"And he can cook," I joked to Stacy as Dustin put down plates of spaghetti on their dining table.

"He's amazing." Stacy said and pecked Dustin on the lips as he sat down at the table.

"I'd hope so! You're marrying me!" He said. Stacy smiled and pulled her hair back from her shoulders. This was going to be a messy meal.

I twirled my fork around and around the noodles, and stuck it into my mouth. It was great! Whatever he made it with was amazing!

"What did you make the sauce with?" I asked as I began to twirl more noodles.

Dustin swallowed and smiled. "I added dried basil, it just adds some flavor." He said.

I dropped my fork on my plate. My hands rubbed my throat. Both of their eyes turned to me, and I felt my eyes widen. "I'm allergic to basil!" I yelped.

Dustin stood straight up and pulled out his phone. Stacy burst into laughter and I couldn't keep my cool, and began to laugh as well. He looked confused and then began to laugh as well, seeing that I was just kidding.

"Not funny, Abira!" He said. I shrugged as I laughed.

"It was sort of funny!" I retorted and took another bite of spaghetti. He rolled his eyes and sat back down.

"Seriously," he said, "now I'm going to ask you both before every single meal if you're allergic." Dustin calmed down from the sudden little shock.

I probably gave him a heart attack but hey, I lightened the mood up. Even Stacy had laughed. We all ate dinner, and Dustin was talking about his work day to Stacy.

"Oh, Abira, I've got some appointments coming up," She swallowed hard. Probably thinking about the lost baby. "So Dustin will be home, but I may not be for a little while." She said.

"You have The Force Awakens?!" I exclaimed as I looked through their movies. Dustin smiled and nodded.

"Why wouldn't I? I love those movies." He said. I was so excited.

"I haven't seen this one yet!" I said and handed it to him, wanting to watch it. "Can we watch it? I've seen every other one except this one! And of course Rouge One, but this is the continuation!" Dustin laughed and nodded.

"Totally," then his face became serious, "you've seen the trailers?"

"Yes!" I just wanted to watch the movie already!

"Be prepared to have your heart ripped out and beat with a stick." He walked over to their T.V. and put in the disc.

"Well, they wouldn't kill Han, so everything else is fine." How wrong could I have been? Very wrong.
"Pause it, pause it!" I yelled. Dustin and Stacy looked at me, as he paused it.

"What?" He asked.

"Just tell me. Is he ugly, handsome or like a little baby sidious under there?" I asked. He told me just to watch and I leaned forward.

Adam Driver?

Not bad, not bad. As long as he plays a good Solo, he should be fine.

I'll let you guess what I was thinking forty five minutes later. They did not just have old Ben Solo kill-

Not even going to think about it. The way it ended was of course was an absolute cliff hanger, and made me upset. They did well at executing the movie though. Even though Dustin was right about the movie ripping out my heart and beating it with a stick.

My phone buzzed a few times, and I held it up to see whom it was. Marco? And then my mother. My mother seemed more important at the time, so I just checked that one first.

I'm so sorry to ask this of you, sweetheart. But your father and I are on a two night business trip. Of course they are. When we were out, Chris got into some trouble. I'm so sorry but can Stacy take you to pick him up from the station? I'm so sorry. My brother did what?!

Didn't he just get out? How could he do that to the family? For a second time?

Stacy and Dustin have an appointment. So no I can't unless I had another ride. Not that I wanted to anyways.

What about Jasper or Marco driving you? She really must've not been able to send someone else if she was asking me about everyone. I sighed.

I will go. I just had to get a ride.

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