Getting kidnapped by a sexy vampire....! (Chapter 13)

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Chapter 13!! I made this chapter a little bit longer than some of my previous ones! Sorry theres a lot of spelling and grammer, i weas rushing and didn't get t o read it over. =(

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He's alive! My father's alive! I can't believe it! I ripped myself out of Michael's arms and ran over to him. I reached him and immediately grabbed his hand and softly stroked it with my thumb. "Daddy?" I whispered. He was still struggling to breathe but turned his head in my direction. He has a shocked yet confused look on his face. He squeezed my hand with a little strength he could muster up. I mean he just died, literally. I then used my free hand to move hair that was falling in his eyes back so it was easier for him to see me. He then looked like he wanted to speak but noticed the tub in his mouth and with his right hand tried to pull it out. "No, dad." I said and pushed his hand off the tub he was still trying to pull out. He looked at me and almost looked angry. He hasn't been alive even five minutes and he's already mad at me. Wow. I gotta give myself props. "Dad, you need that so you can breathe. Without it, it'll be hard." I explained. Then he looked up at me again and I saw a tear fall from his left eye and I bent down to give him a kiss and I kept telling him, 'It's ok. You're gonna be ok. I'm here.' I was by this time crying and my vision got blurry again. I closed my eyes and just lived in the moment. My dad was alive, I'm here with him, and nothing could go wrong. But then I thought about Michael and all the things that have happened to me these past few days and I cried harder, I cried for myself and most importantly almost losing my father. I then picked myself up, off my father and turned to Michael. He was looking at the wall parallel to him with a weird expression on his face and in his eyes. It wasn't a look of hate or a look of boredom. It was just a weird look. He noticed me staring at him and turned to face me. He wouldn't look me in the eyes, though. He looked at the floor the ceiling, and then at my father. Who I didn't realize was watching us. He then squeezed my hand and looked over at Michael, with a look on his face almost saying 'go, its ok.' So I said, "I'll be right back, dad." He nodded and turned his attention to the window. I let o of his hand and walked over to Michael. He then looked at me and I noticed he had his hands in his pockets. He looked really cute actually. Once I reached him, I wrapped my arms around his waist and hugged him. He hesitated for thirty seconds and then he wrapped him arms around me and returned the hug. After about three minutes of hugging we broke apart, but he kept his arms around my waist and my close to his chest. I looked up at him and into those two black orbs and said, "Thank you for everything." He gave me a half smile and said, "Yeah. No problem, it's just the kind of guy I am." A full blown grin of his face and amusement him his eyes. I playfully smacked his chest but he captured my hand and held it there. Then he bent down and gave me a gentle kiss on the cheek. Then he whispered in my ear and said, "Go talk to your father. Then later, me and you are gonna do some 'talking' of our own." After he said that he skimmed my ear with his lips and I untangled myself from him. As I was walking back to my father I felt something hit my ass. I turned around and Michael was grinning at me and then he winked. I blushed and quickly turned around. Thank god my father was still looking out the window, otherwise he would've ripped the tube out of his throat, get out of bed and beat the shit out of Michael. And for a forty-three year old man, he was still big. When I got back to where my father was lying, he turned his head to face me. He looked up at me and I could see the confusion in his eyes. So I decided to tell him, only the part why he was in the hospital and how he died and came back. Not how Michael was a vampire and why he took me, and how I have to go back with him. My dad looked over to Michael but he was to much in shadows and you couldn't see his face well. Just his figure. It's gonna break my heart to tell my dad I have to leave him again, but I gotta keep him safe. I smiled down at him and I began to say my goodbye. "Daddy, I have to go now. Don't worry I'll see you again, and I'll make sure a nurse come in here to check on you. But that's all I can do for you now. When I see you again though, you're gonna have to tell me how you came back. Don't worry about me though, and tell mom and Rickie not to worry too. Don't stress yourself out over finding me. But believe me dad, if I could stay I would. I promise you that." I was starting to tear up said I hurried the next part. "Get better daddy, for me. Please. Maybe I can call you and we can actually talk about this. Till then though, get better. I love you daddy." I bent down gave him a sweet kiss on the cheek and whispered, "Never forget that." He gave my hand a squeeze and I squeezed back, trying to give him a reassuring smile and turned to leave. Michael was waiting by the door. He was looking dead at me and I saw, hate in his eyes, but it didn't look like it was directed to me or my father. I was a strange stare. He opened the door and walked out, holding it open for me. I turned around one last time to look at my father, who knows the next time I'll see him. He was looking at me, his eyes a little watery. I mouthed, 'I love you' he nodded, closed his eyes and one tear fell down. Once he opened then I smiled and turned around to leave. I walked through the door and I felt a wave of sadness and tears coming. I hugged myself wishing more than anything that I could stay with him, I knew I couldn't though. Fucking vampire, I hate them! I looked at Michael then and said, "Tell the nurse at the nurse's station that he's awake and to make sure he's ok. If I go she would probably recognize me." He nodded and went around the corner to the nurse's station, while I walked to the elevator bank and sat on a bench between two elevators. I stared straight ahead and then I felt someone sitting down on the bench. I turned to see Michael with his elbows and forearms on his thighs, his hands clasped together hanging between his legs. He bumped his shoulder in to mine and said, "Look, I know that was hard for you do and I'm sorry." He wasn't looking at me when he said this, he was staring straight ahead, like me. You know what, he's always sorry, if he was so damn sorry he wouldn't have made me do that. We wouldn't even be he if I wasn't for him and I wouldn't be in the frickin position I am now. "Are you Michael? Are you really sorry? You seem to apologize a lot. But you keep continuing to hurt be. If you were so damn sorry, you wouldn't keep doing this to me." I said back to him in a harsh tone. Then I got up, pushed the down button on the elevator and right away the doors opened. I walked in and I could feel Michael behind me. The doors closed and I pushed the button labeled 'L' and it descended to the lobby of the hospital. Once the doors opened I quickly walked out and passed the receptionist, who glared at me, and I flipped her off and gave here my fake smile. I laughed when I saw he face fall, and I kept walking. I didn't feel Michael walking behind me anymore, so when I got to the automatic doors I turned and saw Michael leaning over the counter smiling a seductive smile at the girl behind it. What the fuck?!? Are you kidding me? Whatever, fuck him. I'm not in the mood for his shit, tonight. So with that I walked through the doors and stormed over to the car. He better not have locked it, because I'm not gonna stand out here freezing my ass off, while he ass fucks some cheap slut. Once I got to the car, which was thankfully unlocked, I got inside and slammed the door. Then I locked it, since it was 2:45 in the morning and I don't know what freaks are out. I got comfortable, leaned my head back against the seat and closed my eyes. I replayed everything that happened tonight over and over again in my mind. Then after what seemed like hours, but was really like ten minutes I opened my eyes and looked around. What the hell is he doing? Does it take that long to get it in and be done with it? I guess so, that must mean she sucks and he can't getting in up. Ha! Didn't have a hard time getting it up with me, anyway, I got unlocked the door and opened the door to be met with a cold breeze that went through me and gave me a chill down my spine. Once I was out of the car I slammed the door and stormed to the entrance of the hospital. All I saw was empty chair, for visitors to wait and a television. The desk was deserted and all I heard was the TV, which was low. Where the hell is he?? Damn it, I just wanna leave, go to bed and cry myself to sleep. Then all of a sudden I heard a noise. It came from behind the reception desk. Then it got louder and it turned into moans. What the fuck? I walked over to the desk and went around to the back. Oh My God! I can't believe it! What a frickin man-whore! Michael was on top of the blonde slut and he was felling her up and they were making out. More like eating each others faces off. EW! I don't have time for this. When I heard his groan I felt a pain a jealousy shoot through my stomach. I tried to shake it off but I couldn't. In a way I felt betrayed, even though I don't like Michael and I'm mad at all the shit he's put me through, I still felt hurt. I shook the thought out of my head and walked over to them. I tapped Michael on the shoulder and he turned around, looked at me and then an expression of shock, boredom, and annoyance flash through his eyes and showed clear on his face. Why the hell was he annoyed at me? I'm not the one sucking face with some random skank. Then I said, "Can you hurry the fuck up, I wanna leave. Or just give me the keys and I'll drive myself." I said in a disgusted and pissed off tone. Then I heard the blonde say, "Just give her the keys, you can stay at my place tonight." Then she started sucking on his neck and it looked like it was turning him on. This is ridiculous. I pushed Michael off the skank, so he was on his back and stuck my hand in his pocket and took the keys out. I could feel his dick, while I was taking his keys out. Damn he gets excited over anything. Standards much? I don't think so. Otherwise he wouldn't be makin with some random chick. Once I had the keys in my hand I looked at the blonde and gave her the most dirtiest, disgusted look that I had. Oh and if I didn't mention before, my looks could kill and you know when I don't like you. She looked away and I turned around and walked to the doors. As I was walking towards the car I felt a hand grab my arm and spin me around. I looked up to see Michael and I gave him too, my dirty, disgusted look and said, "Don't fuckin touch me." Then I ripped my arm out of his grasp and turned back around so I could walk to the car. When I got there, Michael was standing right in front of the diver's side door, blocking my way. I sighed in exasperation, crossed my arms over my chest and glared at him. He opened his mouth and was about to speak but I cut him off by sticking my left hand up and saying, "Save it. I don't wanna hear you bullshit excuse. Now if you'll excuse me, I'd like to get in the car so I don't freeze my ass off and leave." With as much venom and bitchyness as I could. He still didn't move, but stared at me, right in my eyes and then he said, "No." Is he kidding me?

"Excuse me? What do you mean 'no'? Just get out of my fucking way so you can go back to your slut and I can leave."

"Kristin." Michael spoke my name, with a stern edge in his voice.

"What? All you have to so is move and I'll do the rest." I replied slowly, like I was talking to a five year old.

"I'm not moving." He said.

"And why the fuck not?" I said back. Man, I was cursing a lot. See what he does to me?

"Because, I don't want to." He said with seriousness in his voice.

"I'm not in the mood to play this game, Michael. We've already done this song and dance one to many times and you always win. Tonight though, I don't give a shit, just for once, do what I'm asking you and get out of my way." I said, pissed off now. Then before I could blink, Michael grabbed me by the waist, twisted me around so I was backed up against the car with him in front of me. He then looked me dead in the eye and I saw his jaw clench. After staring at each other for two minutes he leaned down and whispered in my ear, and what he said sent a chill down my spine.

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