Getting kidnapped by a sexy vampire....! (Chapter 15)

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Chapter 15! ;) i hope you guys like it! vote and comment!! you know the drill, seriously 30 votes and 25 comments, i honestly will stop posting if i dont have the amount i want, because i'll think you guys dont like the story that much. Sorry if theres spelling and grammer, you know me, never checks her work before she posts it. Lets me know the things you liked and the things you didn't. fan, vote, and comment!!


WHAT THE HELL!!! This looks like a scene from one of the Saw movies! There were electric tools hanging on the wall with splatters of blood on them, they looked like they hadn't been cleaned in a while, there were bodies just lying there, some without a sheet, (EW!) and last but not least bags of blood and organs just lying on counters. Oh yea and a lot of rubber gloves, also the ones with the blood on them. Why wouldn't you throw them out?? I mean like really?? You keep them, for what purpose? Then the room was pitch black again and a hand was covering my mouth. Which freaked me out even more because I totally forgot Michael was in the room with me, since I was so engrossed in the scene in front of me. Then he said "What the hell is wrong with you? Why are you screaming?" I couldn't answer obviously, because his hand was covering my mouth so I reached up and yanked his hand off me. Then I got all defensive and said, "Why am I screaming? Are you seriously asking me that? Have you not seen this place? It looks more like a slaughter house than a morgue." I said while crossing my arms over my chest. Michael raised an eye brow and looked down towards my chest. What the hell is he staring at now? So I look down and ONCE AGAIN half my boobs are showing. Of course he can see well, with his vampire vision and all. Ugh! Vampires! I dropped my arms and muttered, "I really need some new clothes." Then Michael laughed and I felt his arms go around my waist pulling me to him. Then he whispered, "I think you look fine." I knew he probably had a smirk on his face; he just loves mocking me, doesn't he. Then I remembered we were in a morgue and said, "I'm sure you do. Now can you get what you need so we can go? I'm freaking out sown here." I felt him nod and then his arms were gone from my waist and light illuminated the room once again. I turned to face the door so I wouldn't have to see the sight I saw just minutes ago. How can anyone work here? With all these dead people, I eemean I'd be pretty creeped out, it's a pretty sketchy environment to work in, I think. It took Michael only a few minutes to get what he needed and then we were leaving. As we were walking towards the elevators Michael stopped short and said, "Did you hear that?"

"Hear what?" I said confused, I mean I didn't hear anything.

"A grinding noise." He said turning half way to check out the rest of the hallway. I turned also but as I was turning I was being pushed in to the now open elevator. I stumbled in with Michael behind me, who was hurriedly pushing the close button and 'L' button.

"What the hell?" I asked him. He just kept staring straight ahead at the closed doors, then the 'ding' of the elevator reaching the lobby went off and the doors opened. What the hell is his problem? Michael grabbed my arm and towed me to the exit of the hospital. Once outside Michael said, "Get in the car," and threw me the keys. I hurried up to the driver's side and he got in the passengers seat. I quickly put the keys in the ignition and then pressed the gas. Within seconds we were out of the parking lot and on the road back to the high way. "Where are we going? I don't know how to get back to the house from here." I said panicked, I hate not knowing where I'm going, though I'm Farley well with directions.

"Get onto the high way and keep going I'll tell you when to get off." He said in a tight voice, I just realized he still hasn't eaten.

"Michael you need to eat." I said and he just looked at me. I stared straight frozen, didn't he have blood to drink. I turned to my right and sure enough he had three bags of blood o his lap. Well why was he looking at me that way?

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