Getting kidnapped by a sexy vampire....! (chapter 19)

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Here's chapter 19! I hope you guys like it! Sorry if there's grammer or spelling. I want 30 votes and 20 comments!!! I should be posting sometime this week, but not without 30 votes and 20 comments. Sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo,





Before we started walking I remembered the cab I called. Duhh! We'll just take the cab home.

"I just remembered, I called a cab to take me back to West Port, it should be here in like twenty minutes. So we can take that home." I said. "Oh wait, we have to stop at my house first, I totally forgot." I looked at Michael and he looked pissed. And here we go...

"What do you mean we have to stop at your house first?!" Michael said, raising his voice as the sentence went on.

"We have to stop at my house for my brother to give me money to pay for the cab ride, and I need clothes. I mean, hello, I've been wearing the same dress for the last five days, it's gross." I said, making it clear that we're going and that's it. I looked him in thee eye as I said this.

"Oh yeahh, cause it's a great idea to show up at your house with the guy who kidnapped you!" Michael said sarcasm clear in his voice.

"I didn't say you were coming in, and I wasn't planning on staying if I showed up there, without you." I said dully. I hate when he gets all cocky and sarcastic.

"Kristin, I don't think that's a good idea. If you show up at your house and see your brother, you're going to want to stay. Then you'll get all upset and be pissed at me. I just don't want to deal with it tonight." Michael said in patronizing tone. My mouth dropped open and my eyes went wide. Then I said,

"What the fuck?! Are you fucking with me? You don't want to deal with it?! Well guess what, I am pissed at you, you're a selfish vampire and from as far as I can tell, you're just like your father." I snapped and walked off, down the long row of booths, back to the counter to find the waitress and say thanks. After I said my goodbye I walked out to wait for the cab, so I can get the hell out of here. Five minutes later Michael walked out and his eyes were red bottom less orbs. I had to look away because it was starting to freak me out. Thank god I saw the cab driving up to the curb, cause I don't want to face, or deal with HIM, right now. Once the cab came to a stop, the driver rolled down his window and said, "Hey baby, you the one who needs a ride to West Port?" The man asked, he looked like he was in his mid twenties, he had black hair, electric blue eyes and he looked like he worked out a lot. With a body like that, I wonder why he's a cab driver. I heard Michael growl quietly from behind me and decided to have some fun with this. I gave him one of my flirtiest smiles and said "Yeah, you drivin?" then bit my lip, you know for extra effect. He licked his lips while looking me up and down, like he was deciding to take me now or later, then Michael came up behind me and said, "Can we just go now?" in an angry tone. Good, he deserves it. Then he went to the back seat and opened the door got in and I climbed in after him, shutting the door behind me. The driver started to ease out onto the road and probably about five minutes later I saw him look in his mirror, staring at me. Then he asked me, "Is that your boyfriend?" nodding towards Michael.

"No." I said simply and I looked at Michael from the corner of my eye to see his nostrils flaring. Jealous much??

"Brother?" He asked

"No." I answered.

"Cousin?" the guy asked.

"No." I said back

"Then who is he?" The driver asked, a little irritated

"A friend." Is all I said.

"Oh. Well what's your name, baby?" He asked in a seductive tone. I gave him a naughty grin and said, "What would you do to find out?"

"Why don't you come up here and find out." He said, in a husky tone. Damn, this guy is pretty hot; I wonder how far he would go, with Michael in the car I mean.

"Tempting." I said

"How about we pull over and get to know each other." He said in a sexy voice. Then I noticed a nice looking hotel coming up and decided I should play this as long as I can.

"Definitely." I said with a grin. Then I felt the car pull into the parking lot, I looked over at Michael and said, "Come on." Then I unbuckled my seatbelt and got out of the car. Once all three of us were out of thee car I walked over to the guy and whispered, "Put your arm around me and whisper in my ear." He cocked an eyebrow and grinned, then did as I said. He placed his arm around my lower waist and started whispering something in my ear; I giggled pretending like I was enjoying it and playfully smacked his chest. Then I turned slightly and saw Michael behind us with his jaw clenched and eyes tight, staring at us. I smiled evilly to myself. We then reached the front doors to the hotel and walked in. Once we got to the front desk a guy around the same age as the driver looked m up and down and smiled looking at the driver.

"The usual Logan?" So that's his name. Cute, it fits him. Man he must come here a lot, eww; I don't even want to think about what kind of diseases he might have.

"Yeah, and I'll pay on the way out." He said and said goodbye to the clerk.

"What's the usual?" I asked once we were far enough away.

"Presidential suite." He said. Holy shit! A Presidential suite?!?!

Once we got to the elevator and too the ninth floor, I turned to Michael and said,

"You can wait in one of the spare rooms until we're done." And then Logan said,

"Pick a good one, cause you might be there for a while." He said and pulled me closer to him. As if. Michael just kept on staring me down and I had to look away because I was starting to feel a little guilty. No! He deserves it, and it's not like I'm actually going to have sex with the guy. Well, he doesn't know that yet.

We got to a room at the far end of the hall and it said, 'Presidential Suite' Logan inserted a key card and the red light turned green and beeped once he opened the door. I walked in after him and the room was all modern and had hospital white walls and comfy couched and love seats, I could see a minnie bar off to the side, flat spasm screen t.v, then the kitchen to the left and what looked like rooms and bathrooms to the right. Logan took my hand and guided me towards the right. All the way at the other end of the hall were double doors and Logan opened one and I saw a huge king size bed and it looked pretty comfortable too. The door leading to the bathroom and another door leading to what I assume in a walk in closet. The walls were a rusty rose color with black trim and the sheets were silk. Mmm, nice. Before Logan closed the door, I could see Michael yet again staring at me and then walk into the room next to us. Once the door was shut I said,

"I need you to do me a favor."

"Anything." He said and pushed me up against the door and put his hands on my hips. His lips grazed my breast bone as he said this. Oh god, I need to get him away from me before I do something I regret.

"I need you to pretend to have sex with me." I said in a whisper.

"Why pretend if we can do the real thing." He said back, sounding a little confused.

"Because, I'm trying to make my friend jealous, and don't get me wrong, you're hot and all but, I don't even know you, so why would I fuck you?" I said in a regular voice. Then he looked up at me and I guess he knew I was being serious, because he sighed and let out a frustrated groan.

"Fine, but first you have to do something for me in return." He said and a grin started forming at the edge of his lips. Oh god.

"What do you want me to do?" I asked cautiously.

"Kiss me." He said amusement and lust in his voice.

"What?" I said, completely baffled.

"Kiss me. If you want me to pretend to have sex with you, then kiss me."

Ugh. I guess one kiss wont hurt; he is helping me after all.

"Fine." I said grudgingly.

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