Getting kidnapped by a sexy vampire....! (chapter 17 part 1)

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I know this isn't much, but it's the best i could do for now. I'll upload more before the beginning of next week. I promise!






Love you guys!

We've been walking for about twenty minutes now and still can't find our way out. How can there be so many trees in one place?? I mean seriously. I turned to look at Michael, thinking about all the stuff he had told me, only minutes ago. How could someone do that to their son, or their wife? I get disgusted just thinking about it, I couldn't even imagine going threw it. I continued studying Michael, trying to see through him, to know what he's really thinking. He thinks there's no saving him, but I can see there is. He doesn't like being the way he is, but he's also not trying to save himself. I want to help him, I just...don't know how. "There's nothing you can do, so don't even try." Michael said in a serious tone. I turned to look at him and he looked dead serious, but I know the truth.

"Michael, don't. Please." I said in a pleading voice.

"Kristin." Michael said in a warning tone.

"Michael, listen to me." I said, trying to make him change his mind and listen.

'No!" Michael yelled then turned half way and stuck me across the face. It happened so fast I didn't even register what was happening until I felt my body smack into a big oak tree behind me. I felt excruciating pain shoot through my body as I hit the floor. I knew I had a black eye when I started crying and felt a shooting pain in my right eye. I can't believe he hit me, again. That fuckin bastard! I want to help him and all he does is beat me and screw me over, again, and again. I looked threw my left eye, since my right was to swollen to see out of properly and saw Michael fuming and breathing heavily. He looked like he wanted to kill me. He started slowly walking towards me, more like stalking his prey. Oh god! Was going to kill me?!?! No, he wouldn't, would he? As he approached me and crouched down to my level, I cringed back and looked away, trying not to look at him. Seeing as he had no remorse for what he just did to me. I felt his hand tug my chin to look at him, but I let out a squeal and scurried out of his grasp. So now I was diagonal from him and he was just staring at me. I got up on wobbly legs and started to walk backwards, away from him. As I did this though, Michael started to stand up and looked like he was going to say something, but quickly shut his mouth before anything came out. How the hell am I going to get away from him, he's a frickin vampire, he has inhuman speed. I started retreating further into the forest and then Michael said, "Kristin, please j..."

"No." I cut him off, I didn't want to hear it this time, this is exactly why I wanted to help him, but I can't, I just want to get away from him. Far, far away.

"Just stay away from me, I don't wanna hear it. If you don't want my help, fine, you're not worth my time anyway. You're way past redemption, and I don't think I want to be near you anymore, no I don't want to even look at you any more. Kidnapped or not, I can't even stand the sight of you. I hate you." I said the last part slowly with all the hate I had in me. I took one last look at his face, looked him dead in the eye and gave him my most disgusted look and a slight shake of my head, and took off running. But before I got to far, I stopped short and turned back around, I could barley make out his figure, but I said, "I'm sorry, please take care of yourself, and don't follow me." Even though it came out barely above a whisper, I knew he could hear me. I looked at him one more time, then turned my back and ran out of there like a bat outa hell, before I started to break down.

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