Getting kidnapped by a sexy vampire....! (chapter 26)

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It's not much, but i wanted to get this part of the story out of the way. So i hope you don't think it's too boring. I'm hoping the next chapter will be longer and you'll see more of Michael and Samantha. So sorry about any grammar or spelling. I want 50 votes and 50 comments. I've noticed both have been going down and i hate seeing that happen. With that said, please enjoy and i'll upload as soon as possible!


Five minutes later I can see a lot of lights and can hear music blaring. What the fuck? Then as Logan drives down a little farther, I can see we're downtown. There must be like ten clubs and restaurants down here. I hope Logan isn't taking me to a club; I'm hardly dressed for that type of occasion. As we drive some more Logan finally pulls into a parking space. I can't help but feel some butterflies in my stomach. I mean, I don't really like Logan like that but he was there for me when I need him. He's a great guy and if it wasn't for Michael I probably would of gone for him. Don't get me wrong; Logan is a great, hot, and incredibly caring guy. Though for some reason I'm hung up on Michael, the sexy vampire who kidnapped me. Who would of though I'd go for a guy like Michael? Nonetheless a guy that kidnapped me and not to mention he's a vampire. Who's sucked my blood! Just when things were getting good- aside from the sketchy stalker who's been watching me- this Samantha chic comes out of frickin no where, and jumps on him wrapping her legs around him, and kissing him! On the lips! Right in front of me! Even though she doesn't know Michael and I are kind of a thing, if we're even that. Still though, it hurt, and it's not like Michael tried to stop it either, he was just as into it as she was. Asshole! Ugh! I still can't believe they kissed! I guess it isn't hard to believe, Michael is that kind of guy. The kind of guy who plays with girls hearts just to get what he wants, and after he's done with them, tosses them to the side. Getting ready for the next one. To think he has the nerve to do that to me, after he told me he was going to protect me from the shady guy that's following me. After he kissed me, touched me almost had SEX with me! I guess this is partly my fault too; I forgave him all those times he slapped me around and acted like a dick to me. He probably thinks he can get what he wants from 'her', then come running back to me apologizing and me being the love sick idiot I am forgives him. WAIT! Did I just say 'love sick' I'm not in love with Michael; I've only known him for two weeks. I can't possibly love him! But...I might be starting to love him. I know I care about him. Oh SHIT! I might be falling in love with him. No! That can't happen! He's a heartless, horny man-whore who doesn't care about anyone but himself! My heart gave a tight squeeze from me thinking of Michael, the Michael I was starting to fall in love with. Not the bloodthirsty cocky, vampire, that I was first introduced too. Shit. Fuck. Shit. This can't be happening!

I was pulled out of my thoughts by a door opening, I looked up and saw Logan standing there, holding his hand out for me to take. I smiled slightly and took his hand. He helped me out of the car and we started walking in the direction of an empty diner. Once we were seated in a booth and the hostess handed us our menus Logan looked up at me. He was just staring at me; I was starting to feel uncomfortable under his stare. He saw me start to squirm in my seat and looked away. A few seconds later he looked at me again and this time he asked me a question.

"You care about him, don't you?" He said it as a statement instead of a question. But I answered it anyway.

"Yes" I replied quietly. I looked down when he started scrutinizing my sad expression.

"Why do you look upset?" He asked in a gentle, worried manner.

"Because, I don't know if I can forgive him this time." I said dejectedly.

"What do you mean, 'this time'?" He asked in a sour tone.

"Nothing." I said, looking down once again.

"Kristin. Tell me." Logan stated.

I looked at him and I saw pity, anger, and concern in his face. I really didn't want to talk about it, but Logan looked so pained to see me upset. I felt like I had to tell him.

"Well, Michael's do I say it, careless. I mean he has his moments where he's caring but other times he could be very heartless..." I trialed off, I'm not gonna tell Logan how Michael kidnapped me and roughed me around but, I'm not gonna completely lie to him either.

"What does that mean?" Logan asked.

How do I tell him without really telling him? Why does everything have to be so damn complicated! I sighed.

"Let's just say Michael's said and done things before, that he shouldn't have. But I'm the idiot who would always forgive him and take him back. I guess he thinks if he does something wrong, he'll just apologize and beg for my forgiveness. And I'll eventually give it to him." I took a deep breath and went on. "But he's right. I always do, and I always will. Though I wish I could just forget about him, I can't. It kills me how I just can't get over him and move on with my life. It sucks, like really sucks." I rushed out, but before I knew It i felt a few tears slip out of my eyes and roll down my cheeks. I quickly wiped them away. Not wanting to cry anymore. It hurt too much. It also made what I just said all the more real.

"Kristin, what you feel is normal. You're falling in love with him. Even though I don't like the things he's doing and I'm sure have done, he probably cares about you too. I know you want to get over it and stop giving into him, but the reason why you can't is because you're in too deep with him." I looked at Logan and then looked away. He's right I know he's right, but it's not fair.

"Logan you don't know what it feels like to care very, VERY much for someone, that treats you like shit in return!" I said exasperated. I'm tired of feeling this way; I just want to feel numb for once, at least for a little while.

"You're right Kristin, I don't know what that feels like, but I do know that you should talk to Michael about the direction you two are going. Whether it's together or apart. His answer may hurt, but it also may be something you least expect." Logan said.

"I know. I'm just not ready yet. I'm still hurt and mad about before. I don't really want to talk to him right now." I replied, tiredly.

"Look, instead of dinner, how about we go back to the hotel. You can rest and figure out what you want to do." Bless him; I don't know what I would do without him.

"Ok." Then a thought crossed my mind, a thought that's been in the back of my mind since we got here.

"Logan I have to tell you something." I said seriously. Logan looked at me and his face also turned serious. He nodded his head in a gesture for me to go on, so I looked him dead in the eye and said,

"Someone's stalking me."

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