Getting kidnapped by a sexy vampire....! (chapter 25)

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Okk everybody, chapter 25 is here! i personally think it's a cute chapter and it shows Logan and Kristin's relationship growing. A lot of you will probably be hating on Michael, and a new character is introduced! I don't know how long it is, but it might not be as long as you all and i would like. But this is all i could get done. I'm not sure the next time i'll be posting but you wont have to wait too long. Thank you all for your patience and for all the nice comments about me continuing my story. If you all didn't enjoy my story so much or bother to care if i posted, i would of stopped this story a long time ago. So with all that said...


There on the couch was Logan ass fucking- and I mean it when I say ass fucking-some chic! Oh my God! I so didn't need to see this; this is beyond gross, this is downright disgusting. I can hear the girl moaning and Logan grunting. Jesus Christ! That's enough! I slam the door shut and Logan jumps about a foot in the air. He turned towards the door and saw Michael and I standing there, my face bright red with what I was seeing and a smirk on Michael's face. Ugh! He is so disgusting! Logan was looking at me, flushed from I'm assuming the sex he was having and being caught, by me.

"Kristin...Uhm...I..." I held up my hand signaling him to stop.

"Logan. Just shut up." I said trying to look from his naked body, to his face. He saw my struggling and a cocky smirk crossed his face.

"Like what you see?" Logan asked walking towards me. I looked away my face red, and when I looked back at Logan he was almost near me.

"Uhm, maybe you should put some clothes on Logan." I said my voice a little shaking. I mean come on, this is embarrassing, not only for me but him too. I don't get how he isn't a little shaken by this situation. I felt Logan right in front of me, but I still wouldn't look at him. I felt him grab my hand and I looked up, to see him with an apologetic look on his face. I tried to control my blushing and once I regained some composure I gently squeezed Logan's hand, identifying an 'It's ok' and I saw him smile. He bent down and kissed my cheek and said, "I'm sorry you had to walk in on that, Kris."

"It's ok Logan." He went in for a hug, but before he could completely get his arms around me I was pulled back. Then Michael said,

"Put some clothes on before you do that." In a slightly pissed off tone. Logan smirked and turned around to go get some clothes on, and as he was walking back to the couch, I couldn't help my eye from wandering down to his ass. I was watching him walk when suddenly Michael's hand covered my eyes, and I couldn't see anymore. I gripped his forearm and tried pulling it away from my face but he only held on tighter.

"Michael, move your hand!" I said.

"I don't think so, I'm only saving your virgin eyes from having to watch Logan bent down." He said casually.

"Michael now you really need to move your hand, and I was close to not be a virgin anymore, because of you a little while ago. So I think the whole 'virgin eyes' thing went out the window a long time ago." I said a bit of an edge to my voice. I heard Michael laugh lightly and then he whispered in my ear,

"Oh I remember..." trailing off at the end.

Michael finally removed his hand from my face and to my disappointment Logan had a pair of jeans on and was just picking up his shirt.

"Ugh!" I said as I turned to Michael to see a satisfied smirk on his face.

"You're suck a jerk!" I said a little irritated, that he covered my eyes. I mean Logan is HOT, but just because I was looking doesn't mean I was gonna do anything. Michael just shrugged but then looked over my head and his face dropped, then turned to pissed.

"What" I asked as I turned to see what he was looking at.

When I turned around all I saw was Logan and some naked girl, with a throw blanket wrapped around herself. I looked back to Michael and said,

"Are you ok?"

"Samantha?" Michael said, in complete disbelief. Samantha? Who the fuck is Samantha?

"Michael?" a girl's perky voice asked.

Then said 'Samantha' jumped up and ran to Michael, once she reached him she jumped on him and wrapped her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist.

Ok, seriously, who the hell is this chic!

Then Michael did the most out of the blue thing and wrapped his arms around her waist and buried his head in her neck. I just stood there with my mouth hanging open. I looked over at Logan and he shrugged his shoulders with the same shocked and confused expression on his face. Then Logan's jaw dropped. I looked back to Michael to see him in a lip lock with this said 'Samantha'. Once I heard him groan I felt tears forming in my eyes. I blinked them away before they could spill over and turned my back on them. Then I quick walked straight to the door and out into the hall way. Once I turned the corner and arrived at the elevators, I heard someone calling my name. I ignored it and kept hitting the button repeatedly, wishing the elevator would open so I could get in before the person calling me could reach me. But of course that didn't happen because it seems god hates me lately.

"Kristin?" the person said, and immediately recognized the voice.

"Kristin look at me?" he said again.

"Please. I'm so sorry about what happened." I could tell he was being sincere, so I turned around slowly and Logan took a step towards me. I could feel the tears starting to spill over.

"Come here." He said.

I did as I was told and went right into Logan's arms. I felt safe with him, and warm. I couldn't help burying my face in his shoulder and breathing in deeply. He smelled amazing. Logan just tightened his arms around my waist and pulled me closer to his chest. I don't know how long we stood then and how long I was crying but then after the tears passed and I was able to calm myself down I pulled away and looked at Logan. He had the most worried and caring expression on his face that I've ever seen.

"Better?" He asked.

"Yeah, thank you." I said and gave him a small smile.

"No problem." Logan said then bent down and kissed my forehead.

I blushed slightly but felt all the more happy at the same time.

"Do you wanna go back to the room and lay down?" He asked his voice gentle.

"No. I don't really want to go back yet." I said, looking away.

"Ok." Logan said and started pulling me to the elevator. He pressed the button and it immediately opened. I grimaced. I opened quickly for him. Logan saw my face and laughed lightly. Once we got in the elevator and it took us down to the lobby, I asked Logan where we were going.

"You'll see." He said simply.

I didn't even realize we were holding hands until I felt him squeeze my hand. I didn't pull away though, holding his hand made me feel safe, and happy. Logan almost made me forget about what I saw between Michael and Samantha. I mean just being with him before was taking my mind off it. I looked up at Logan to see he was looking at me, I smiled a shy smile and he just returned it with a smile of his own and then winked. I giggled and looked away. Once we reached his car Logan opened the door for me and helped me in. Then once he shut the door and got in on his own side I remembered the car crash and traffic.

"What about that accident that was causing traffic. Do you think its cleared by now?" I asked Logan.

"Probably not."

"Then where are me going?"

"Downtown. The opposite direction of the highway."

"Oh ok." I said and then Logan took off out of the parking lot and drown the street.

Leaving Michael and Samantha behind, to do whatever the hell they were doing.

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Also sorry for any grammar or spelling!

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