Getting kidnapped by a sexy vampire....! (chapter 17 part 2)

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Ok heres the second part to chapter 17. I hope you guys like it! i'll try and post sometime this week. i want 30 comments and 40 votes!!! Seriously, or you'll just have to wait that much longer. All you got to do it click on vote, and leave a nice little comment. Ohh and sorry if there's grammer and spelling, i didn't check it over before posting. Sooooooooooooooooo now,






Shit! Now how am I going to get out of here? Michael was my only hope; you know him and his vamp skills. Whatever, I don't want to deal with him; I tried getting him to listen to me and to help him, but no, so now he has to suffer by himself! Jackass. Ok I think I hear cars, or people, maybe there's a town up ahead, which would be amazing, I've been walking for forty minutes and I'm tired, hungry, and thirsty. As I reached the peak of the trees, there was a long road that looked like it stretched on forever. Then, across the road, I could see a diner, with only four cars in the parking lot. The diner looked like it was old, with the outside paint, that was all chipped and the windows just looked like they needed to be replaced. I could see cement steps leading up to, two see through double doors, with a sign that said, 'Were Open.' It didn't look like the nicest or safest place to go, but maybe someone in there could help me find my way home. Or out of here, at least. So, I started walking up the steps and opened one of the doors, leading into the diner. Right away I could smell burnt toast and old people. Ew! I took one more deep breath of fresh air and walked in. At the front counter was a women who looked in her early sixty's, wearing an off white knee high skirt and matching top. She looked up from her magazine and gave me a look of boredom. I don't blame her, I'd be bored shitless if I had to work here. She then straightened herself up and said,

"How can I help you?" She had what seemed like a Brooklyn accent.

"Uhm, I was wondering if you could give me directions back to West Port." I said in a tentative tone, though I don't know why.

"Oh sweetie, you're far from West Port." She said with a slight laugh. Where the hell am I?

"Where are we exactly? " I asked

"North Beach." My jaw dropped when she said that. How the hell did I get to North Beach? I'm about two and a half hours away from West Port. Great. Just great.

"Do you have a phone I can use, you know to call a cab?" I asked.

"Sure." She pointed across the room, to a long counter with red stools Then I noticed the phone that hung on the wall by the, what I'm assuming is the kitchen doors.

"Thanks." I said and made my way over to the phone. Once I got there I picked it up and dialed information, asking for a cab willing to drive from here back to West Port. There women on the other end said there will be a cab waiting outside for me in about an hour. I said thank you and hung up. I wonder how much this is going to cost me. Oh shit!! I don't have any money! What am I going to do? Shit, shit, shit!! I'm never going to get home. Maybe if I ask the driver to take me to my house, I can run in, get him his money and then he can go. Yeah, that's a good idea. Maybe I should call and make sure someone's home. I won't be able to stay though; I can't, not looking like this, and after what's happened. I'd probably scare them with my black eye, still a little bit bruised cheek and the same skanky closes I disappeared in. After thinking this through for a couple more minutes, I once again picked up the phone and dialed my house number. After the third ring I heard someone answer and say,


"Ricky?" I croaked out, I was so happy to hear his voice.

"Yeah?" He said in kind of an irritated voice. I cleared by throat before saying,

"It's Kristin." All I hear on the other end was dead silence.

"Kristin? Is it really you?" Ricky asked in a whisper.

"Yeah, it's me." I said and laughed nervously, really though I was trying to hold on the tears, threatening to spill over.

"Where are you? Are you ok?" He asked me.

"Uhm I'm in North Beach, and yeah I'm fine." I said the last part only half heartedly. I knew he could tell though because he said,

"Who the fuck took you?! And why the fuck are you in North Beach?!" Ok, now he's angry. I don't know if I even mentioned this but my brother is over protective, like barley ever let a guy near me, it was a wonder I actually had one, even though it was secretly. He get really angry when someone tries to hurt me or upsets me. He gets really violent. I can only imagine what he's gonna do when he actually sees me.

"I try and explain later, but I'm catching a cab back to West Port and I have no money so when I get home do you think you can pay for me or go and get money out of my room or something?" I said

"Yeah, don't worry; I'll take care of it. Just hurry up." He said in a husky voice, I can tell he's going to explode.

"I will. Uhm thanks Ricky, I love you." I said inn a small voice, but meaning every word.

"No problem, love you too, Kris." Ricky replied and then we hung up. Whoa, me and Ricky haven't said 'I love you' to each other since we were kids. I mean it's not like we don't like each other, were actually really close, but just never really said it. It felt good, hearing him say that. I smiled slightly and then turned around, planning to wait outside for my cab when the women who was sitting at the counter one my way in said,

"Here." And then she held out a bag of ice. I hesitantly took it and then she said,

"Put it on your eye, I noticed it when you walked in. It looks like it hurts."

"Yeah it does. Thanks." I said and gave her a small smile. Then we walked back to the counter and I sat on one of the stools. As I looked out the window, to my right, I noticed some movement along the trees, on the other side of the road. I squinted trying to make out what was causing it. Then from between two large dark trees, I see Michael walking, directly towards the diner. He hasn't seen me yet, so maybe I have some time to hide. I whip my head back around to face the women, and while she was setting a cut of coffee down in front of me, hurriedly asked,

"Do you have a bathroom somewhere in here?"

"Yeah, it's down towards the other end of the counter and to the right. Why? Are you alright?" She asked but I didn't answer, I booked it down towards the other side of the little diner and veered right. Once I got to a little alcove I saw to doors, opposite each other. One saying 'Men' and the other saying 'Women', I chose the latter and ran in the door to the right. Once in the bathroom, I shut off the lights and locked the door, the I jumped into the farthest stall from the door, and shut it, looked it, and crouched on the toilet seat, so god for bit he does get in, and he won't see my feet. How I'm doing this in stiletto's is beyond be, but then I was pulled out of my thoughts from a jiggling sound coming from the door. I froze and held my breath. After a couple of second on the door handle moving, there was silence. I then let out the breath I was holding but to only be cut off by a loud bang. I instantly froze up again and waited to see if h would just leave, realizing there was no one here. The light turned on and I heard heavy, loud footsteps, belonging to none other than a guy whom I presume is Michael. I watched as I saw the shadow of he foot steps on the floor. Once he got to mine I shut my eyes tightly and waited for him to come busting threw the door. Thirty seconds later I opened my eyes to see nothing, no shadow. Maybe he really thought no body was in here and left. After waiting another minute, just to be sure, I decided to jump down off the toilet and open the stall door. I took a deep breath and walked out, to find an extremely angry vampire, with his arms crossed over his chest, leaning against the locked door. My only way out.

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