Getting kidnapped by a sexy vampire....! (chapter 36)

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Here's the next chapter, i hope you enjoy it! 

In the shower, as I was letting the hot water cascade down my back, I started to think if I was overreacting. Whether or not I was overreacting, Logan shouldn’t have yelled at me the way he did. Michael on the other hand…I shouldn’t have talked to him the way I did either. I feel horrible telling him to leave. As I was stepping out of the warmth the shower provided me, I couldn’t help but hope they didn’t leave yet. Michael more so than Logan. As I hurriedly wrapped a towel around my wet body I was praying Michael was still here. Turning to the door I took a deep breath then closed my eyes, ‘please still be here, please still be here’ I repeated over and over again. Slowly I opened the door, let out a breath and opened my eyes. Michael was leaning on the side of my window looking out over the front yard. I couldn’t help myself; I ran up to him and tackled him from behind. I must have caught him off guard because he stumbled forward a little bit. With my arms wrapped tightly around his waist I said,

“You stayed!”

My chuckled and said, “Of course I did, besides when have I ever done anything you said?”

I glared at him playfully. I still didn’t let him go though; I just buried my face in his back. I felt Michael twist around so he could put his arms around me.

“Kristin?” Michael whispered, his voice sounding odd.

“Yeah?” I asked.

“Did you really want me to leave?” He said, sounding slightly hurt.

“No. I was…I guess I was just upset. I couldn’t believe Logan said those things to me. I know he’s right but it was just the tone in his voice. He sounded like…like he was sick of me. I don’t know. Then when you tried to stand up for him I took it out on you. I didn’t realize what I had said until I was in the shower, I was praying you would still be here when I got out. Michael, I’m so sorry. You don’t know how sorry I am.” I gushed. I still had my face hidden, just in his chest this time not his back.

“It’s ok, Kristin. I understand.” Michael said, rubbing circles on my back.

“I just feel so bad. I don’t ever want you to think that I want you to leave.” I stressed.

“I know, and I said it’s ok. I wont ever leave you, even if you tell me too.” Michael stated.

“Thank you.” I said.

“For what?” Michael asked confused.

“Everything.” I answered.

“Kristin, you don’t have to thank me for anything. I’m the reason we’re here in the first place." He sounded a little indifferent as he said this.

“Michael, don’t go there.” I pleaded.

“It’s true, Kristin. I saw the way it affected you when we first got here. How upset you got passing by your school. I hate seeing you cry, I really do. Even if I’m the one who made you cry in the first place.” Michael mumbled the last part.

“Look at me,” I said, grabbing his face in my hands. “I don’t want you thinking this way, if it weren’t for me being kidnapped I wouldn’t have ever met you and that’s worse than having to leave my old life behind.” I said fiercely.

“But if I hadn’t kidnapped you, you wouldn’t have known me to feel the way you do about me.” Michael whispered.

I could see pain clear in his eyes.

“ ‘But ifs’ doesn't matter any more. I don’t care if you feel bad. I’m happy to be with you and that’s all that matters.” Then I planted a finalizing kiss on his luscious lips.

After pulling away I looked into his eyes and asked,

“Do you understand?”

“Yes.” He answered quietly.

I know he still thinks it’s his fault that I was upset before, it’s written clear across his face. I can’t take seeing him like this; all vulnerable and sad. It hurt me to see him this way.

“Michael, please smile. It hurts me to see you so upset.” I begged.

He gave me a half hearted smile and said,

“Don’t be upset, none of this is your fault.”

“Michael, please. Stop blaming yourself, I can’t stand it!” I agonizingly pled.

“I can’t Kristin. Your feelings for me don’t change the way I feel.” Michael explained.

I looked away; hurt that my feelings cannot change the way he feels. I thought it would make up for the way things were but I guess not.

“Kristin, I didn’t mean it that way. I care about you the way you care about me, if not more. But, I still feel responsible for the pain you’ve been through.”

“Michael.” I said vindictively, “Stop doing this to yourself! The way I felt about you in the past has nothing to do with the way I feel about you now. Yes, you kidnapped me and hurt me in ways I could never imagine, but it doesn’t matter anymore! I fell for you, and I fell for you hard! Don’t make me regret falling in love with you!” I shouted.

Wait, did I just say ‘in love with you’?

Am I in love with him?

I looked up at Michael, his face showing nothing but emotion. Then I asked myself if I could live without him. Just looking at his unguarded, unmasked expression, I knew the answer was no. I need him and he needs me. In a way, we complete each other.

“Kristin?” Michael asked sounding strangled. “Are you sure it’s a good idea for you to love me?”

I pulled back, squared my shoulders and looked him dead in the eye then said,

“No, it’s not a good idea to love you.”

Michael looked at me with the saddest expression on his beautiful face. I hurriedly carried on before he could say anything.

“But I don’t care. I love you anyway.” 

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p.s. sorry if there's any grammar or spelling.

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