Getting kidnapped by a sexy vampire....! (chapter 20)

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So here's chapter 20! Sorry it's short, i promise the next one will be longer! And sorry about grammer, spelling, etc. You know me! ;) I want 30 votes and 30 comments!! it's not to much, i hope you guys like this chapter, and i'm sorry if it isn't as good as some of you thought it might be, but i wanted to post. So please be nice. I wasn't really putting my all into it.







That's all it took for him to push me back against the door and slam his lips onto mine. At first I didn't respond but after a couple of seconds I got into it. He was a good kisser, then he licked my bottom lip asking for entrance but I denied him, teasing him, I heard him groan and try again, but instead I bit his lower lip and then snaked my arms up around his neck. I couldn't explain it, I kind of felt safe with Logan, but not enough to be kissing like this. So after a third try, I let him in and his tongue explored my mouth as mine did his. We stood there kissing for about five minutes when I pulled back. Don't get me wrong I was enjoying it, but I wanted to get home, so Ricky wouldn't worry and put the last part of my plan into action.

"Ok, now that you got what you want, let's finish this." I said a grin appearing on my face.

"But I was just getting into it, just a little bit longer?" Logan asked in a hot voice while kissing my neck. I started breathing heavy and had to do something and fast!

"Logan, please stop." I asked in a very innocent but serious voice. He stopped and looked up at me, and I guess he got the picture and backed off, but not before placing a sweet, gentle kiss on my lips. I couldn't help the dopey grin coming over my face and I heard Logan chuckle slightly with a smirk on his face. I quickly looked away so he would see how red my face was getting. After composing myself I looked back at him and said,

"Let's do this." I smiled evilly.

"You must really wanna get this guy mad."

"Mad doesn't cover what I want him to feel." I said absentmindedly touching my face where a faint bruise still was. I saw Logan look at my cheek and his eyes went wide. He rushed over to me and said,

"Are you ok? Did he do this to you?" I could hear the anger in his voice. How sweet, I've only known his twenty minutes and he acted like we've been friends for years.

"It's nothing." I said, I don't want him going after Michael and end up getting his neck snapped or something.

"That's not, nothing. It looks like it hurts." He said touching it, I flinched back because it still did kind of hurt.

"Forget it. Can we just do this?" I asked him, my eyes pleading.

"Uhm I guess." He said, though sounding uncertain.

"Kay. Now lets get this going." I said. His mood seemed to change and a smirk appeared on his face.

"First, what's your name? You know, to make it sound better." He said.

"Kristin." I said

"Well Kristin, you ready?" He asked me, I nodded and suddenly I was picked up and Logan was carrying me to the bed, bridal style.

"Logan, what are you doing?" I asked. "Put me down."

"You want this to sound real right?" He asked me, amusement and determination in his eyes.

"Yeah." I said

"Then play along." He said a smirk on his beautiful face. "Ready?"

"Let's do it." I said a grin on my face.

Then before I knew what was happening Logan was on top of me, pushing down on me hard, making the bed rock back and fourth. Then he started moaning and saying,

"Kristin! Uhh! You're so tight, keep going!" Then he looked down at me and grinned. I looked away embarrassed but then realized this was all fake, and added my own moaning then said,

"Harder! Harder!" then I screamed his name and flipped him over, so he was under me. I looked down grinning and said,

"I'm cumming! Uhh!" and keep moaning.

"Babe, I didn't know you were so wild!" Then he started fake groaning.

"Keep going, baby!" I said, making myself sound breathless. I was trying hard not to laugh and so was Logan, then all of a sudden the door bursts open and standing in the door way is Michael, with a murderous look on his face. Once I saw that I started cracking up and I feel face first into Logan's chest. He was also laughing and then I was being pulled off by a pair of strong hands.


"Michael calm down! We weren't really having sex. Cant you see we still have are clothes on?" I said trying to control my giggles.

"Why the hell would you do that?!" He yelled again.

"Dude, isn't it obvious? She was trying to make you jealous. So she asked me to help her, and I did."

"Why would you want to make me jealous?" Michael said, his voice still filled with a little anger.

"Uhm, because you deserve it." I said in a duhh tone then I walked towards Logan and gave him a soft him on the lips.

"Thanks for helping me. You did a good job." I said and gave him a sweet smile

"If I get a kiss for every time you need help, then I want your number." He said and grinned.

"Ok, that's enough, Kristin lets go." Michael said then grabbed my arm and started pulling me towards the door.

"Come on Logan." I called behind me and gave him a wink.

"You are so dead." Michael said in a lethal tone.

Oh Shit!

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