Getting kidnapped by a sexy vampire....! (chapter 37 sneak peak)

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Hey everyone! This is a sneak peak of the next chapter, it should be up before sunday! I hope you like it (: 




And most importantly enjoy! 

Michael and I were just standing there staring at each other, nothing but love in our eyes. Though I could read it in his eyes and on his face, he still didn’t say he loved me back. I started freaking a little hoping I wasn’t reading him wrong, what if he didn’t love me? Then what? I wouldn’t be able to face him if that were the case, I just couldn’t. I would feel rejected. All of a sudden I saw a smirk appear on his angelic features. What the…?

“Getting nervous, Kris?” Michael asked in a teasing tone, while pulling me closer to him. All I did was glare at him; he was doing this to provoke me. One of the most important moments of my life and he’s messing with me. His smirk became more pronounced as I was giving him my nastiest look.

“Michael, I just told you that I’m in love with you and all you do is tease me?” I asked him, feeling a bit sad that he was ruining this for me. I looked up at him, trying to gauge his reaction. Just when he opened his mouth to say something there was a knock on the door.

“Kristin, you awake?” I could hear my older brother yelling to me from the other side of the door.

“Uh y-ya, I’m up. Just give me a minute.” I stuttered.

Then I turned to Michael and said,

“You gotta go.” And pushed him lightly on the chest.

“Where do you want me to go?” He asked.

“I don’t care, wherever you want. Just don't leave.” I said looking up into his eyes.

“Don’t worry baby, I’ll be back.” Michael said, “eventually” I thought I heard him murmur.

“You better be.” I mumbled. I guess I said it loud enough for Michael to hear because he laughed lightly then leaned down. He brushed his lips against mine, closed his eyes and breathed in. I just griped him tighter because for some reason I was getting this feeling that he wont be back.

“Kristen?” Ricky knocked again.

I sucked in a breath and looked up at Michael, he was looking down at me with such intensity in his stare.

“You have to go before he knocks the door down, he can get pretty inpatient.” I said, my eyes never leaving his face.

“Take care of yourself while I’m gone.” Michael said.

He’s not going to be gone that long, just until I explain as much as I can to Ricky. Then we’re leaving. I looked at him confused.

“Just please. I need to know you’ll watch out for yourself.” Michael said an edge to his voice.

“Michael, don’t worry, I’ll be fine.” I reassured him.

“Goodbye Kristin.” Michael said, looking into my eyes.

“Bye.” I said trying to smile.

“Kristin, i'm coming in there.” Ricky shouted, knocking on the door.

I looked to the door, then back to Michael.

“I love you too.” He whispered and then he was gone.

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p.s. sorry if there are any mistakes... 

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