Getting kidnapped by a sexy vampire....! (chapter 21)

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Here's chapter 21, i tried making it longer for you guys. Sorry i haven't uploaded for a little while, i've been crazy busy, i hope you guys like it! Ohh, and i haven't re-read it yet, so sorry if there's some mistakes! 30 votes, 30 comments!





"Uhm, Michael? Are you still mad?" I asked with a slight smile, my voice filled with hesitation. We were standing in the lobby of the hotel waiting for Logan. Who was at the front desk talking to his friend. I looked up at Michael through my eyelashes, trying to decipher the different moods washing over his face. I could make out anger, jealousy, but I also saw some forgiveness. Hmm? Then I heard Michael sigh heavily and close his eyes and rubbing them.

"Kristin..." He stopped taking a deep breath. "You're still in trouble, but why would you try and make me jealous?" He asked in an annoyed/frustrated voice.

"I didn't think you would get as mad as you did, but I was mad at you and I was hurt. I wanted you too feel the same way. So that's why I did what I did." I paused then said, "And I like Logan." I saw anger flash quickly in his eyes and hurriedly added,

"Not like that. As a friend." I assured him. He relaxed a little then in a flash, I was pushed up against the wall in a deserted part of the lobby. Michael had his hands on my waist, his body pressed up against mine. I was breathless from the abruptness and I looked up at Michael. He had a confused and hurt expression on his face. Well, I've never seen that cross his face before. Michael looked like he wanted to ask me something. Then after a few minutes of I'm guessing him getting his thoughts together he said, "Back at the diner, when we were waiting outside, you said I was just like my father and looked pretty much disgusted with me. I told you that with confidence and trust. Then you just threw it back at me, like you didn't care." He actually sounded hurt, well now I feel like crap.

"Michael, I didn't mean to say those things and you can trust me, never think you can't. It's just after you hit me again, I felt hurt and mad and that all the stuff about how I make you different was just a bunch of b.s. I'm sorry about what I said, I wish I never said them, but you gotta look at it from my view point, what would you do or say?" I said, tears forming in my eyes, I then looked away, feeling disgusted that I actually said those things to him; I know it's not his fault, but I was just so hurt. I heard Michael sigh and drop his head dropped then he mumbled into my shoulder, "I know. It's not your fault, I deserved it. And you're completely right, I am just like my father." He said the last part of his speech sounding disgusted. Now composed, I picked his head up off my shoulder and made him look me in the eye, and then I said,

"You are not like your father. I only said those things because I was mad, do you understand? Don't ever feel like that." I said in a stern serious voice. "Ok?" I asked him. He looked away from me and looked very unsure.

"Michael, I'm serious. Now tell me you understand." I said my voice firm. He stared at me for a few moments and then nodded his head. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding and pulled him to me, hugging him around the waist. A few seconds later, Michael returned the hug and I felt his lips in my hair. I felt better; I should make it up to him. But what should I do? I pondered this as we stood there in each others embrace, then it hit me. Now only to get some privacy. I heard someone clear their throat, then me and Michael quickly separated, me blushing as I saw Logan standing there, a slight smirk on his face. My flush get even deeper and I looked down, trying to hide it, before Michael saw if he already didn't.

"Ok. I was talking to my friend who works at the front desk; he said there's been an extremely bad accident, and traffic is backed up. It could be two to three hours before the road is clear, and traffic starts to move. So it looks like we're staying here a little bit longer than I thought we would. I kept the room upstairs so we can relax and do whatever." Logan said and looked between Michael and I. Once he looked at me he gave me a playful grin and winked. I giggled but then I felt Michael tense beside me and I abruptly stopped, giving Logan a small smile.

"So let's go back to the room then, I have to make a call." I said and started walking to the elevators. Once outside the suite door, Logan unlocked it and held the door for me. I walked in and went right to the phone sitting on the end table in the living area. I dialed Ricky's number and as it was ringing I saw Michael sit on the couch and turn the TV on, and Logan go into one of the bedrooms.

"Hello?" I heard Ricky say.

"Hey, it's me. I'm just calling to tell you there's been this really bad accident and the roads are going to be backed up for a couple of hours. I'm staying at a hotel for a little while, to rest and stuff. I'll probably be home late, if not tomorrow." I said to him.

"Ok Kris, are you ok though? You sound weird." He asked suspicious and going into over protective mode.

"Yeah, just tired. I'll call you when I leave the hotel." I said, trying to sound reassuring.

"K. Love you, Kris." Ricky said, still sounding suspicious.

"Love you too." I said and we hung up. As I was walking to sit on the couch Logan came out and said, "I'm going downstairs to meet a friend. I don't know when I'll be back."

"Ok. Have fun, just don't bring her back here." I said, and grinned.

"Sure, and you two don't kill each other, and be safe!" He said and winked. We both laughed and then he left. I turned to Michael and said,

"So, anything good on?"

"Not really, but the girls in these music videos are fuckin hot." He said in a husky voice. I looked up at the flat screen and saw that MTV was on. I wacked him in the arm and said,

"Ew, Michael." In a bothered tone. Wow, I'm jealous of girls on TV. Nice Kris, real nice. Michael looked down at me with an amused expression on his face and said,

"Are you jealous Kristin?" with a smirk on his face.

"No." I said and looked away from him.

"Sure." He said, carrying out the 'r'. I grabbed the remote from his hand and turned the TV off.

"Hey!" Michael said and reached for the remote, but I held it away from him and said,

"How about we do something else?" Then it hit me, I should show him my apology. Nobody is here but us; it's a perfect time for it. I threw the remote to the other couch and shifted in my spot on the couch, till I was facing Michael. I gave him a grin and he gave me a look of confusion. Then I straddled him in his seat, with each of my legs on either side of him. I placed my hands on his chest and whisper into his ear,

"I wanna make it up to you, for saying the things I said to you earlier." In a seductive/sincere tone. I ran my hands down his chest then back up, saying,

"I want you to bite me." I looked at Michael's dumbfounded expression and smiled naughtily at him. Then I looked down, running my finger down his chest and stomach to the beginning of his jeans. I stopped there and looked up threw my eyelashes, while biting my lip, and said,

"I know you haven't eaten all day, and figured you're probably thirsty." I threw my hair out of the way, exposing my neck and grabbed his head bringing it down on my neck, right by my main artery and said, "I want you to drink from me." I could hear Michael's heavy breathing and I felt him place his hands on my thighs and squeeze.

"Are you sure?" He said, his voice sounding hoarse.

"Yes." Then I felt his fangs pierce threw my skin.

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