Chapter Three

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                                                                               2 years ago  (Sorry, this chapter is REALLY long)

The sun shined bright on my back. My partner Riener was a mess.  I had taken him down the third time. "Ugh" Riener groaned. I roll my eyes and kick him in the gut. Riener yelps and jumps up. "You know Annie" Riener states. "You should partner up with someone else". Then he began to smirk. "I think you should meet my friend". I glare at him. Riener returns  with a boy, wriggling away, only to fail. I suddenly turn away and blush . It's Eren Jaeger. Eren takes Riener's arm and flips him over his shoulder. It causes me to blush harder. Eren was so beautiful.  His skin was a perfect mix of tan and milky pale. His eyes were a shiny emerald green and shimmered like the diamonds they were. His hair was a perfect chocolate brown and seemed so soft. He had a strong firm body and his jaw line was flawless. Riener sits up and pats Eren's leg. "Go get em" he laughs. Eren raises his eyebrow and walks up to me. I stare into his eyes and feel hypnotized. "Show me what you got" he challenges. I try hard not to blush. Eren runs forward and uses his technique on me. I dodge and grab his arm, flipping him over. Eren yelps, the air leaving his lungs. He coughs into his fist and tries to sit up. I quickly pin him down. I begin to blush. Eren is speechless. "Just kiss me you fool" I breath. Eren slightly blushes. I lean in closer. Eren's eyes widen. He takes the opportunity to kick me in the stomach. I fall back. He catches my arm and tosses me over his shoulder. I fall to the ground. I feel a pain in my arm. Everyone gasps. Eren walks up to me and holds out his hand. I look away, hiding my shame. "Sorry for caring" Eren mumbles. I quickly grab his hand and he hoists me up. I trip and fall, but he catches me. I blush like mad. Eren's face shows signs of slight blushing. "How was that Annie?" he says excitedly, like a keen 5 year old. I smile. "That was good Jaeger". He smiles and lets go of me. Suddenly, Mikasa pushes through the crowd and grabs Eren's arm. "Eren are you hurt?" she asks nervously. " Mikasa, we're fine". Mikasa glares at me. "I meant you Eren" she corrects. "Not HER". Eren signals her to back off. "You really should come over some time so I can teach you some of my moves" I quickly offer. Mikasa grabs my arm and throws me down. "Eren doesn't want to train with YOU" she snaps. Eren's eye brow raises up. "Mikasa" he begins crudely. "I would actually like to train with Annie". I blush. He chose me. Mikasa's lip trembles and she turns away. Eren then holds out his hand to me and hoist me off the ground.  "So where do we train tomorrow?" he asks. I go silent. It had to be somewhere private. "How about by that big tree on the side of the hill" I began.  "Around Midnight" I add quickly. I wanted it to be him and me. Eren nods. "well, cya til then". he waves goodbye and walks over to Armin and Connie, highfiving his friends. I blush and tuck away my blond bangs from my hair. I knew he would expect the best, so I would need to train. Train harder than I've ever before.


The moonlight reflected off the tree. I sat against the tree, feeling impatient.  Then I heard a twig snap. Eren walks up to me, a loose shirt thrown over his chest.  "Okay, Annie" he yawns. Eren gets into fighting position. I do the same. Eren kicks his foot forward trying to trip me. I jump up and trip him when he comes back. Eren hits the ground. I return back to my fighting stance and smirk. Eren hops up and takes me by ambush, swinging his leg under mine, knocking me over. But I quickly grab his arm and pull him down with me. Eren hits the tree and I land on top of him. I lift my head, only to be greeted by his. I blush hot red. Eren bites his lip. I relax over him a bit. I can hear Eren's soft breathing. "Hey uh, you still there?" Eren asks. I nod. "Just tired" I mumble. Eren says nothing. "Hey Eren" I whisper. "What do you think of me?". I can hear Eren's breathing quicken. "Oh in like friends,'re a sister to me". Eren's face flushes and begins to sweat. I smile and laugh. "Sorry, didn't mean to ask". Eren's worried and flushed face turns into a smile. I relax a bit. Why can't I tell him how I feel?  Eren wraps his arms around me and relaxes a bit. I suddenly hear footsteps. My eyes widen. "Eren, someone's coming"  I hiss. Eren sits up. But before he can move forward, I do something I thought I would ever do. I pin him down and kiss him. Eren's eyes widen, blushing all over. I take my hand and run it through his chocolate brown hair.  Eren slightly relaxes and puts his arms around my waist. Suddenly, a lantern shines down on us. I look up and feel sick to my stomach . It's Mikasa. She drops the lantern.  I quickly get up. Mikasa's shocked face turns into rage. Eren stands up. "Mikasa, why are you up so late?". Mikasa is shaking all over. "I should be asking the same for you" she sighs. Tears begin to fall down her cheeks.  I clench my jaw. She cared so much about Eren. I didn't care what she thought of me. I enjoyed every moment of that kiss.

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