Chapter Fourteen

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Everything was a blur. I was rushed quickly through the gates. I didn't look back. He had stabbed me in the arm. I was furious. The gates slam shut, and I'm surrounded by garrison workers. I feel weak. "Ma'm....are you alright?" one asks. I nod and avoid eye contact. "Ma'm" One man with a tall posture and black hair asks. "Was there anyone else with you?". i freeze. Eren. "I SWEAR IT WAS AN ACCIDENT!!!!" His voice screamed in my head. "ANNIE, I'M GOING INSANE FROM ILLNESS, MY ACTIONS REFLECTED OFF MY DREAMS....LISTEN TO ME FOR MARIA'S SAKE!". I fall to the ground sobbing. "EREN!" I scream. The black haired man kneels down. "Ma'm, are you okay?". I was selfish. I had hurt him countless times, and all he did.....was stab my arm. I quickly stand up. "Open the gate" I growl. "Ma'm, we can't... the titan-" "OPEN THE GATES!" I throw a punch into the man's face. He stumbles back, wiping blood from his nose.  I begin to run to the gate. "I'M SORRY EREN" I scream. I approach the gate and run to the lever. "STOP HER!". I try to pull down the lever. Too heavy. Then I hear something that makes me collapse. Screaming. Eren. I was too late. The guards tackle me. "Eren...I'm so sorry" I whisper. And with that....I'm knocked out black. 

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