Chapter Eleven

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I open my eyes. Pain erupts in my head. I sit up, only to lay down again. I clench my jaw and look down at my wound. It was bandaged up and covered in blood. Annie is sleeping across from me. There were bags under her eyes and was curled in a ball. I begin to shiver. It was cold outside.  I notice my cape bundled up under me as a pillow. I grab it and smooth it out. I sit up again and clench my jaw, fighting the pain. I drape the cape over Annie, hoping it will keep her warm. I quickly lie down again. I look down at my hands. I'm alive. I turn to Annie. I feel tears well up in my eyes. She had gone so far to help me. I couldn't describe my new feelings in my heart. The sky was gray. I'm weak.  I begin to cough into my fist. My sickness must have been getting worse.  I hear Annie shifting in her sleep. She must be waking up. I close my eyes and try to relax. I hear Annie slightly sigh. I lick my cracked lips coated in blood. I was starting to feel dehydrated.  I cough into my fist, my throat stinging. I hear Annie sitting up. "Are you doing alright?" she asks nervously. I say nothing. She crawls up to me and put her hand on my forehead. "Y-you're burning up" she grimaced. "I-I'm fine" I croak. She looks down at me. I feel terrible. "Why am I still alive?" I puzzled. Annie grabs my hand. "Because I couldn't leave you behind". My eyes widen. "YOU DIDN'T RUN!?". Annie squeezes my hand. "Don't strain yourself" Annie simpered. "I had to do what I had to". I relax my eyelids and breath in the cold sharp air. "Where are we?" I chided lightly. "To be honest...I don't know" Annie admits. "But with this cold weather, I guess we must have moved forward south by the Trost district".  I nod and brush away my bangs from my face. Annie keeps watch while I rest. I drifted off into a dream about my father. About Zeke. About my friends. When I woke up, it was evening.  Annie sees me awake. "Well someone's feelin lazy" Annie flirts. I slightly sit up. My stomach is numb.  I look down at my wound. Blood has dried over the bandage. Annie comes up to me and hoists me onto her back. I groan. We begin to walk down south. It's almost Midnight when Annie has to rest. She falls asleep as soon as she sits down.  I manage to stand up and grab some firewood. The fire is slowly dying out. I watch Annie as her chest rises and falls. I lift up my shirt and stare down at the bandage. I lift it up and feel sick. My wound has slightly swelled up and is spiking up terrible purple veins. I quickly tie it back and collapse to the ground. I cover my mouth and begin to cry.  Tears stream down my knuckles. I was so miserable. I choke out sobs like a fool. I cry harder.......eventually drifting off into a miserable sleep.

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