Chapter fifty one

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Eren's memory

6 years ago

1 year before wall maria broke. 

The sun was shining bright against my face. I look down across town. My mother stands behind me, folding laundry. I hear her slowly walk up to me. I turn around. I look at her blankly. She hands me a basket full of folded sheets. "Eren...take this back down to the house". she says kindly. I grip the basket and turn to walk away. "Eren wait!". I turn around. Mother leans down and hugs me. "Please...please don't get into any more fights". She licks her thumb and wipes a bit of dirt off my cheek. I slightly laugh. "Yeah...I'll try". My mother smiles. "Now off with you". I turn back around and slowly step down the set of stairs. The wind kisses at my skin. I look around. I badly wanted to explore with Armin today, but I know mother was expecting me to get the bed sheets back home and scrub the floor. Suddenly, I hear someone yell. I freeze. It sounded like Armin. I drop my basket and take off running. "HOLD ON ARMIN!" I scream. I turn the corner and skid to a stop. There were the same bullies as always. They swing kicks at a small figure. "HEY LEAVE HIM ALONE YOU BAS***S!!!". The biggest bully turns around. I gulp. They weren't beating up Armin. It was a girl I had never seen with blond hair in a bun and bright blue eyes. The girl looks at me. Her eyes told me to run. But my heart refused. "Well if it isn't Jaeger" Bryce, the biggest bully smirks. "You gonna run away like a baby...face have NO potential". I grip my fists and run forward. "Gonna fight huh?!" Bryce laughs. "GET HIM!". The girl gasps. I scream and lunge forward and punch the first goon's face. "IDIOTS!" Bryce screams. The first goon was down. Three to go, then Bryce. I grab the lid of a trash can and slam it into the second goon's face. He yelps as I slam it down onto him again. The third goon suddenly tackles me. I let out all my rage and throw him off. He hits the wall. I turn to Bryce. He snarls and kicks me. The girl gasps. I hit the ground. Bryce growls and swings down several punches. I choke, blood flies from my nose. Bryce laughs insanely and kicks my stomach. He grabs me by the collar and punches right directly at my nose. I struggle to breath. Bryce stands up and throws in one more kick at my face. "Remember this Jaeger, and NEVER try to be the big guy EVER again" he growls. He grips his fists and walks away, his other goons at trail. I rub my head and slowly get up. The girl rubs a bruise on her cheek. I rub my arm, it felt as if it were broken. "A-a-are you okay?". The girl rolls her eyes. "Are you stupid?". I look at her a bit insulted. "I just got my a** whooped to help you". The girl giggles. "'s a bad habit of mine-". She suddenly goes silent, her smile disappears. "Sorry...yeah whatever thanks and all". She brushes away hair from her face and walks away. "Wait-". I grab her hand. Blush erupts over her face. I feel myself blushing too. "W-what?" she snaps. "Y-y-you're hurt...c-could I help you?". She wriggles free from my grip. "No I'm fine" she says blandly. Suddenly she turns around and faces me. Her eyes sparkle. I feel sweaty all of a sudden. She looks at me in the eyes. Blush erupts across more of her face. "Why did you help me?" she suddenly asked. "Because those guys are jerks and I couldn't just let you sit there and get's inhuman". Her eyes suddenly widen. "Um..thank you...for helping me... no one has ever done anything like that" she sighs. I grab her hand again. "At least let me help you" I beg. She cracks a small smile. "Okay". I smile and guide her out of the alley way. I look down at my hands and laugh. "Mom is gonna KILL me".


"EREN!". My mother yells angrily. "What DID I SAT about getting into fights!?!?!". I cringe as she smacks my arm. The girl hesitates but stays quiet. "I DIDN'T GET INTO A FIGHT!" I argue. My mother turns to the girl. "Well..did he?" she asks kindly.  The girl looks at me then back at mother. "Well" she begins. I gulp. She brushes away strips of her blond hair. "I fell down a ditch and he ran down and saved me...and he jacked himself up in the process". My mother's eyes widen. She turns back to me. "Eren...that's quite heroic of you" she smiles and ruffles my dirty hair. "Ugh mom please stop" I snap. Mother laughs and returns to the table, a pair of my many torn pants in her lap, a sewing needle beside her. "Now why don't you run along?" she offers suddenly. "But mom the bed sheets and floor-". "No need" Carla smiles. "Go find Mikasa and Armin and explore the day away...but stay away from strangers and the walls". My face lights up. "Thank you mother!". She laughs and shoos us out the door. The sky is turning slightly gray. "Why...did you stand up for me?". I ask the girl. She looks at me. "Because you helped me". I smile. "Well thanks...uhm...uh". "My name is Annie" she remarks. "I'm Eren I say" shaking Annie's hand. "I've never seen you around...where do you live?" I ask. Annie suddenly blushes. "I'm not from around father and I sometimes come up here for trade and stock". I nod. "Well're pretty-". I slap myself. Annie's face erupts with more blush. "PRETTY NICE!" I quickly add. "You're pretty nice!". Annie suddenly bursts out into laughter. "You have pretty green eyes". I blush. "Uhm...I mean pretty NICE bright green eyes". I laugh harder, clutching my stomach. Her smile for some reason warmed my heart. "EREN!". I turn around to see Mikasa running toward me. Her face is lurking with rage. "Oh...HI MIKASA!" I yell back. Mikasa stops in front of me and looks at Annie. "WHO IS THIS?!" she snaps. "Oh...this is Annie" I introduce. Mikasa glares at Annie. "What is she doing here?!". I step in front of Annie. "I helped her she and I are just hanging out". Mikasa pushes me out of the way and grabs Annie by her shirt collar. Annie yelps. "Listen to me" she growls. "Don't go making goo goo eyes at Eren!". I grab Mikasa's hand. "Hey cut it out!" I demand. Mikasa looks at me. "S-s-sorry Eren" she sighs. Mikasa lets go of Annie. She grabs my shoulder. "Eren" she whispers. "Don't get into a love relationship with her!". I choke, my heart beating so fast. "Whoa Mikasa...don't get ahead of yourself we're only friends!". Mikasa looks away. "Yeah...just don't...don't look at her!". She turns to Annie and kicks her shin. Annie yelps in protest. Mikasa huffs and runs away. I walk up to Annie. She looks at me. "You said...friends" she began. "Friends". I smile. "Yeah...that's what we are right?". Annie looks at me, her face red with blush. "Yeah" she whispers. I try so hard not to blush. "ANNIE!". She turns around to see a tall man behind her. "Father-". Her father suddenly grabs her. "We have to go!" he snaps. Annie tries to fight back. "Let me say goodbye to my friend" she yelps. He freezes. "F-f-friend?" he stutters. Annie wriggles free and suddenly embraces me into a hug. I feel blush erupt over my face. We part from our hug. She smiles and suddenly grabs something from her pocket. She pulls out a leather band and places it in my hand. "I'll see you next year?" she asks. I smile and grab her hand. "Yes-". Her dad suddenly grabs Annie's hand and drags her away. I reach out for her. I wanted her to stay. I look at the leather band and slip it onto my wrist. I suddenly gasp. I slap myself across the face. I was simpering at her. "EREN!" I yell to myself. "WHAT'S GOING ON WITH YOU?!".

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