Chapter fifty three

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Evening. It felt depressing. FIVE days since the wall sina indecent. FIVE DAYS since Eren fell into a coma. FIVE days since Tommy's death. I can't bare to look out at the city. The church bells strike seven times as I slowly stride down the opened hall of one of the grand castles in this town that WASN'T destroyed. . Sun reflects off my gold hair. My heart stabs at me again. Tommy was dead. I could do nothing about it. "Armin!". I turn around to see Christa standing by the door of one of the grand rooms. "Oh..hey Christa" I sigh. She looks at me, her face filled with concern. "Armin....Armin...........I'm so sorry". I slowly walk forward to her and grab her hands. "It's fine Christa......Tommy's in a better place now.......thank the lord he doesn't have to suffer anymore of this dying world". Christa nods. "Amen". I clench my jaw and feel tears fall from my cheeks. "Christa" I begin, drowning in tears. "Christa Tommy's father was still alive". Christa pulls me into a hug. "I saw him....he asked me where he was....I TOLD HIM!". I sob harder. "Christa I could have done so much more for that little boy...he was like family to me!". I see Christa's face turning red from crying. "Armin...he loved you" she assures.I can't breath between my many sobs. "They're having his funeral tomorrow...they found his body" Christa whispers. I wipe away more tears and cup my hand over Christa's cheek. "Thank you Christa" I sigh. "I can stay with you if you want". I shake my head. "It's fine...I have to face my own battles". Christa kisses my cheek. "I love you know that right?". I smile,bend down, and kiss her. "Yes..and I love you too...I love you so much". Christa kisses me back. "Oh..and did you hear?" she asks. "What?" I respond nervously. "Eren is out of his coma....doctors said he had screamed and thrashed out...almost choked himself".  I feel my heart jump to my throat. "Well...then lets pay him a visit".


I knock firmly on the door. No respond. I knock again. Still no response. I grip the handle and slowly and quietly open the door. The window is open, the curtains blowing at the breeze. Eren is at his bed, a thin blanket thrown over him. His eyes are shut. "Oh...we should come back later" Christa whispers to me. Eren's eyes flutter open. He smiles. "Armin...did you recover well" he croaks. I slowly nod. "Eren.........are you doing alright?" Eren nods. "My major pain is gone". He pats his stomach. "And the doctors say I'm on a healthy recovery and I'm eating well". I sigh in relief. "Where's Annie?". he suddenly blushes. "Oh...her...ehe....she went home". I laugh. "How are you two getting along?". He blushes harder. "Armin.......I love her". Christa gasps and smiles. " two have always looked adorable together...I remember she used to deny she liked was planily obvious". Eren and I laugh. "Armin" he suddenly says. "Annie is amazing.......I love her.....I can't get over her and I want her to know that.....but I think...she deserves someone better". 

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