Chapter fifty four

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It's been a week since I woke up from my coma. That week was miserable. Tommy's funeral. Tossing and turning all those night, thinking about what to say to Annie. I was in love with her....but I felt like I couldn't make her happy enough. I look in the mirror. I had grown skinnier than I remembered. I clip my cape across my chest and adjust my collar. The survey corps would be riding through town today for the honor ceremony. I flatten my hair down a bit. I slowly walk up to my table side desk and pick up two pills. I plop them into my mouth then take out a shot from my satchel. I enter it into my arm and release the medicine into my blood system. I look back in the mirror. I was a little unsure. I had to be at the front of the line with Armin and Annie because we were the "Saviors" of that battle.We would be alongside Levi and Erwin as well. I hear the door open. Armin. I turn around. "Man it's been a while since I've seen you looking so fine" he laughs. I snort and break out into laughter. "Armin" I began. He looks at me. "Tommy....he would be proud of you right now". he gives me a sad smile. "I just wish everyone could know how brave he was". I grab his hand. "Damn those people if they've never heard his name....I'll be sure to mention his actions to the public". Armin smiles. "I'm so thankful....thank you for caring for me...even though I'm useless". I look at him in shock. "ARMIN YOU TOOK DOWN THE BLOOD TITAN!". Armin shrugs. "Thank you for saving me Eren". I embrace him into a hug. "Of course bro" I smile. "Anything for you".


The sky is gray but the mood is lively. Townspeople are cheering as we ride across the streets. Thousands of eyes are on me. I look around and see a group of girls around the age of 14 or 15 in a large group. They catch my gaze and giggle. I badly wanted to role my eyes, but instead smile lightly and give them a firm wave. They all break out into obsessed laughter and blush like crazy. I look over at Annie. She smiles. I blush and take her hand. "How are you?" I ask. She blushes and squeezes my hand. "I'm quite alright" she grins. She overlooks me. " look thinner...your eating fine right?". I look laugh and pat my stomach. "I've never really gotten into an eating habit". Annie leans in and kisses my cheek. My face erupts with blush. "Just please stay healthy" she begs. I smile. "I promise". I turn back and look around at the crowd. "MOMMY LOOK IT'S EREN!" I look over to see the same girl and her mother from before when I was about to transform. I smile and give her a wave. Suddenly all of us stop. Our loop around town was over. I hop off my horse and I crowd of people swarms me. I see the little girl run up to me and hugs my legs. I look down at her surprised. The mother pushes through the crowd embarrassed. I laugh and pat her head. She looks up at me and laughs. "I wanna be just like you when I grow up!". I suddenly feel sick. I couldn't bare someone having to suffer the same fate as me. "Well I'm sure you'll  be a fine young lady when you grow up". she smiles and hugs my legs tighter. The mother grabs the little girl's hand. "Come along Abigail" she coos. Abigail returns to her mother's hands. The mother looks at me. " Thank you so much for saving us all Jaeger" she begins. "My husband died to the hand of a titan and my daughter was so afraid. Then she heard about you and you just lit up her world. You're her idol. You saved we can live to see another day". I feel myself tearing up. "Oh.....oh my thank you........I lost my mother at a very young age of 10....I'm only 16 and there are more powerful people than me....I didn't do all of it". The mother puts Abigail in her right hand and slightly hugs me with her left. Thank you so much". She lets go and walks away. I feel like a can't move. "I-I'm still a kid" I choke. "I'm just a kid........all these....people....relied on their hero?". I clutch my head. "Eren are okay?" Annie grabs my hand. I swallow my pride. "Yeah's just....I'm still a kid......I'm not REALLY a savior am I?". She embraces me into a hug. "So what?". I look at her surprised. "But're my thank you". I hug her tighter. "Alright brats lets head back" Levi barks. I sigh in relief and climb back onto my horse. I had to admit this was my least favorite thing of all. "Hey Annie" I began. She looks at me. "I'm never going to one of these ceremonies EVER again". She breaks out into laughter. I feel blush leap over my skin. "Yeah...I hate this too" she laughs. 

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