Chapter Thirty Two

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Jean forces me forward. Eren doesn't move. I close my eyes and sigh. I had ruined my chances with Eren long ago.  But if only knew how sorry I was.....we could start over. Once I open my eyes again, I find myself behind bars. I fall to the ground and sigh. The cold cuffs cling to my sweaty skin. I look down at the floor and begin to cry. Then I hear something. Footsteps. I look up. It's Commander Erwin and Levi. Levi walks up to the bars and gripped them. "We have your punishment" Levi snapped. I look down at my hands and squeeze my eyes shut. "Execution" I freeze. But then i relax. "It's what I deserve" I whimper. "Sure as hell you do" Levi growls. He turns to Erwin. "You can go now" He says blandly. Erwin nods and walks away. I feel my stomach drops. Levi grips the bars harder. "Why?" he snaps. "WHY DID YOU DO THIS?!" He suddenly yells. I can't speak. I suddenly hear him sob. He looks up at me, tears in his eyes. "YOU KILLED PETRA!" he sobs. I couldn't forget. Petra's terrified face haunts my mind. "Levi........I-". "YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND HOW MUCH SHE MEANT TO ME!". I look away. "And you hurt one of my only friends". Levi falls to the floor. His shoulder lift up and down as he sobs. "This whole thing....I didn't have a choice" Levi looks up. "How could you possibly say that?" he growls. "I'm apart of something that I never wanted to be in....but it was to protect myself". Levi looks straight at me, interested. I hold back tears. "I was raised to hate.....and kill". Levi frowns. I can't help but begin to cry. "But.........I changed when.......I met Eren". I clench my fists. "I wanted to become a better person". Levi stands up. "A-and I h-hate myself for what I've done". Levi's gaze softens. "S-so it serves m-me right". I begin to cry harder. Levi stares at me.  "I'm sorry Eren" I whisper. "And it serves me right to I'm not afraid". I hear Levi leave. I sigh in relief and curl up into a ball at the corner of the cell and cry myself to sleep.

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