Chapter Eighteen

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I felt like I was floating. Lightheaded. I can feel light arriving in my world of blackness. My eyes slowly open. The sun shines burning my sensitive eyes. i'm laying in a bed, a bandage wrapped around my forehead and dressed in white clothes. The window is open and the breeze blows my brown bangs. I feel beads of sweat fall down my neck. Pain stabs into my stomach. My head throbs as it causes even more sweat. I cough into my fist and fall weak. I lift my hands up to my  gaze. I'm okay. Then it all came back. Annie. My hands ball into fist as I shake in rage. I feel sweat begin to build under my pits. The door suddenly opens. A man with a Garrison jacket and black spiked hair walks up to me. "Are you feeling okay?" he asks generously. "I'm okay" I croak. "My name is Heff" He puts his hand onto mine. "Are you sure you're okay?". I look at him with confusion. "Why would you care?". Heff looks away. "You're Eren Jaeger right?" he asks. I meet his eyes. "How did you k-". "You're like an idol to me" Heff sighs. I look at him guilty. "I'm okay" I say quietly. "Thank you". Heff nods and stands up, heading to the door. "Oh yeah one more thing?" Heff adds. I sit up and nod. "Do you know Annie Leonhardt?" My body tenses up. I fall back onto my bed and begin to cry. Heff opens the door and leaves me to scream in fury, for what betrayed thing she had done to me...........

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