Chapter Forty Five

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The same situation. The same reason. All for saving humanity. I can't feel anything. I badly wanted to get up again and fight. Fight for Armin. My eyes widen. "Armin" I croak. I try to drag myself forward, but I can't. I was impaled down the back. I scream and clench my jaw. I see Mikasa in the distance slaying a titan in complete bloody rage. Then she comes back to thought. Annie. I can imagine her getting snapped up in the jaws of a titan. Marco, Thomas, Petra....mother. I lost them all. Armin....Annie. No, I can't take it. I bite down into my thumb. Nothing. Blood flows out from my bite mark into my mouth. I try again and bite down harder. Pain, but no transformation. I let my hand fall and begin to cry. Annie and Armin would be gone. Those two really filled me out. I couldn't let them die. My sadness is replaced with pure anger. I try to lurch forward, but I can't. "I DON'T CARE ANYMORE!" I scream. "I DON'T CARE IF YOU TAKE MY LEGS, MY HEART, MY LIFE.......NOTHING WILL EVER HAPPEN TO THOSE 2.....NEVER!!!!!". I let out a pathetic scream and bite down into my thumb. The world seems to slow down. I can feel flesh wrapping around me like a tight blanket. Before I could do anything, I was surrounded in red darkness. I feel legs pick me up off the ground and support me high. The transformation was complete. I open my mouth and let out a bloodcurdling roar. 3 titan heads turn to me. I clench my fists and run forward. "I'm going to kill every last one of you" I growl. "EVERY LAST ONE!". I propel myself forward and punch down at the first titan to the ground. It's head smashes, blood gushing everywhere. I was satisfied. I freeze. I slowly turn around to find a titan. A titan who was as tall as me with fire red skin, yellow eyes, and messy brown hair. Suddenly, it all made sense. His size. The damage. Wall Sina. "You did this" I growl. The titan looks at me with anger. "You killed all those people!". I grip my fists and hold them up into fighting position. "AND NOW YOU'RE GONNA PAY!". The titan screams and lunges forward. I do the same and we hit fists. The battle has begun.

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