Awkward Moment

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At the cafeteria, Sonic and his friends were getting lunch to eat. Their lunch lady was a mutant humanoid spider and is very fast with cooking food.

"I'll have the spinach and the tomato soup please" Amy said.

The spider lunch lady then pours the tomato soup in a bowl and hands her a plate with spinach, "Here you go young lady"

"Um, thanks" Amy said shyly.

Some other werehogs and werewolves were giving looks at Amy to why she's not having anything that's juicy meat.

"Oh no" Amy blushed and goes to an empty table to be alone. But Sonic and the others went to Amy's table to join with her, "Thanks. I don't like it when anyone gives me weird looks. Is it against vegetarians here?" Amy asked.

"No, of course not" Sonic said and quickly turns around to snarl at the werewolves from behind to mind their own business.

"Thanks" Amy said, very pleased and began eating her tomato soup. Sonic shrugs and then had his steak. Silver was having a normal cheeseburger. Due to his high metabolism he sometimes gets hungry. Shadow wasn't that hungry but he decides to have cranberry blood sliced cake. Blaze was having Egyptian scarabs and fish.

"Good thing I put it in my stomach and that" Blaze said, eating the head off a scarab and then the whole bug. Tails was having some voltage lemon juice.

"BZZZZZZT!!! YUM!" Tails got a temporary shock but calms down after it.

"Damn" Shadow shook his head at this.

"What? You've seen me drink voltage lemon juice" Tails said.

"Oh right" Shadow said and resumes eating his food. Amy then ate her spinach mix.

"Are you the only vegetarian werehog around here?" Silver asked.

"I'm afraid so. But it keeps me in shape" Amy said.

"Oh. But did you eat meat once?" Silver asked again.

"I have but then I stopped" Amy said.

"Why?" Sonic asked.

"Because hunting and killing animals for meat is just...wrong" Amy said.

"Okay we won't ask again" Sonic said.

"Sometimes in life we eat meat to build up muscles" Knuckles said.

"Yup" Sonic nodded.

"But I got a little problem eating as long if I can make my insides solid" Knuckles said.

"You mention you love grapes too don't you?" Rouge asked Knuckles.

"Yes but as I said I can only eat if my body is not ghosting through" Knuckles said

"Perhaps I'll come up with a potion for that" Rouge said.

"I hope you keep your word" Knuckles said.

Rouge winks at him for a yes, "Wait and see Knuckie" Rouge said.


After lunch, Sonic and his friends got to the ghostly park together. But this park looked more like a graveyard.

"This park is so spooky. I love it. It's like a scary story about a zombie that bursts out from the ground to eat--..." Sonic saw Silver holding out a squeaky bouncy ball, "...A BALL!!!" Sonic's tail wagged in excitement and pants like a happy dog.

"Fetch!" Silver threw it, making Sonic chase the ball running on all fours.

"Why did you do that?" Shadow asked.

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