Scourge meets Human

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Tails is carrying Sticks while flying with his two-tails like a helicopter, "We gotta warn our friends!"

"Yes. That fat man is really on to us" Sticks said with a worried look.

"And fast we must" Tails flew faster.


Sonic and Amy then came out of the zoo really amazed how it was like, "Wow, I never thought that it said that crocodiles got the strongest bite force. T-rex could rival that" Sonic said.

"I know right" Amy said, "Weird thing is that whenever an alligator or crocodile opens its mouth they can't see what is in front of them"

"Yes, but their eyes and nostrils are only visible when under water. When they bite they lock their jaws for a death roll on their prey since they can't chew" Sonic said.

"Damn" Amy cringed, "I would probably stay away from them. And another weird thing is that they can't stick their tongue out"

"Yes. And they also possess like a third eyelid when they dive underwater" Sonic said.

"Yes but now let's go find our friends" Amy said, taking Sonic's hand.

"Huh? You hear something?" Sonic's ears twitched.

Amy's nose then twitches and she got someone's scent, "Do you smell it? That smell, smells like liquid silver" Amy said.

"I don't know about that but I hear....Tails?" Sonic looked up and saw Tails and Sticks in the air.

"Guys! There is a fat guy looking for us!" Sticks said to them.

"And what kind of fat guy?" Sonic asked.

"An anti-monster hunter" Tails whispered so no other could hear them.

"What did he look like?" Amy asked with worry.

"He was as we said fat, almost like an egg in shape. He had a long brown mustache and wears glasses" Tails described the man.

"So he's human?" Sonic asked.

"Yes. And he has a tracker which will tell who is monster or not" Tails said.

"We must get out of here before he makes us into decoration to the wall!" Sticks goes paranoid.

"We'll never make it in time. We gotta call them with our iPhones" Sonic said.


Shadow and Nebula are now with Silver and Blaze at the park.

"Well guys, how was the shopping?" Silver asked Nebula and Shadow.

"Pretty well. I like this jacket" Shadow said, "And what did you two do?"

"Well Blaze and I were at an arcade hall" Silver said.

"And?" Shadow said.

"I totally rocked at the dance board" Silver grinned.

"Everyone cheered to Silver. I never seen him so happy" Blaze said.

"Yeah. And man, I never felt my heartbeat beating like that" Silver said.

"That's great pal. And also Shadow and I had some chicken fingers, I can't resist them" Nebula said.

"Cool. But I got a question. Do normies really get their hearts pumping rapidly whenever they do workout all day?" Silver asked.

"Well if they get really pumped up, yes. Which is a good thing because it helps get our muscles pumped. And breathing stores oxygen to our blood" Nebula said.

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