Protecting Amy

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That morning, Amy did not wanna go to any classes because Scourge is coming to college today, "Man, what am I gonna do? Even if he's a hedgehog, he can still sniff my scent miles away" Amy pacing back and forth.

Sonic was really worried for Amy and goes up to her. "Ames, I'll be there for you" Sonic said.

"But what if he attacks you like a savage dog?" Amy asked concerned.

"Hey, I have a great angry wolf growl to scare off enemies easily" Sonic said.

"I do hope so. But still, I am not sure if I should leave the dorm" Amy said.

"Don't worry Amy. We just go to our class and see if he is not there. I got my eyes on him" Sonic said.

"He's very dangerous, Sonic. He also has speed like you too" Amy said.

"He does? Well I guess I should be more careful Ames" Sonic said, holding her onto him to let her hug.

Amy buries her face on Sonic's chest and cries quietly, "I just don't want you to get hurt" Amy said.

"Don't worry, Ames. I won't get hurt. I'm a werehog and the fastest werehog alive" Sonic said.

Amy looks up and smiles a bit.


They eventually went to Chemistry class, but Amy was close to Sonic.

"Well, class. We have a new monster student" the witch black cat said.

Then in a green flash appeared next to her, Scourge was revealed to the class. He smirked at them showing his sharp teeth, "Hi everyone. The name's Scourge"

Amy just gave a sigh at seeing him, "Oh no" Amy said quietly.

"Say Mister Scourge, you got something to tell us?" The witch cat asked Scourge.

"I'm a master of charming the ladies. Like old times at Werewolf High School" Scourge winked.

"Okay. Now then, take your seat Scourge and we'll get ready" the witch cat said to him. Scourge eyed Amy and walks up to where she sat.

"Hi again babe" Scourge flirted.

"Grrr!!!!" Sonic growled at the green pervert.

"And who are you?" Scourge asked Sonic.

"My name is Sonic and stay away from Amy" Sonic growls like a dog.

"I better not see any werehog fights in my class. Well, hedgehog fights that is" the teacher said.

"Sorry" Sonic calms down and sat back on his chair. Scourge got to his own chair and took out his papers.

"Now then, class. Today in potion chemistry, we will be making venom cure potion" the witch cat teacher said.

The students took out their recipe books in potion chemistry and turn to the page about venom cure potion, "Now we just need to start with taking out a vial of water" Amy read through the recipe.


A while after class was over, Sonic held Amy close to protect her from Scourge, "Man, how long until its night time when I'm a werehog?" Sonic moans.

"A few hours" Amy said, she kept looking over her shoulder to make sure Scourge isn't following her, "Sonic, I just wanna go back to our dorm room" Amy said.

"But you can't skip other classes" Sonic said.

"Yes you're right. It's just I hope he won't do anything stupid" Amy whispered.

SonAmy: Werehog's RoommateWhere stories live. Discover now