Learning To Be Like Normies

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A while later of swimming in the pool, they didn't realize that there was a pool bar in the swimming pool. Sonic swims up to the bar and asked for a glass of soda, "Coming up sir" The bartender said. Sonic taps on the bar table while waiting. He even sits on the chair that is underwater.

The bartender returns and hands him a glass of soda, "Thanks" Sonic smiled and sips the soda from a straw, "Ahhh....so relaxing" he sighs in relaxation. He turns his head to see his friends having fun at the pool, "Heh, they seem to have fun" he smiled. He saw Tails at the pool edge playing a ball game with Sticks while he also saw Blaze swimming with Silver.

"This is the life" Shadow said out of nowhere.

"Ah!" Sonic got jumpy but settles down for a few seconds, "Dude, where did you come from?" he saw Shadow sitting on the chair underwater with Nebula.

"Vampire speed" Nebula said.

"Oh, right, right. Vampires and dhampirs got super speed" Sonic said, "Anyways, how are you feeling right now in the sunlight, Shads?" Sonic asked.

"Eh, it seems okay. I'm still trying to get used to it but I get nervous when the sunscreen wears off on me" Shadow said.

"I know how you feel, man. Whenever I look at the full moon I can't control my wild instincts. It's like I hate looking at the full moon while you hate looking at the sun" Sonic said.

"Yes. Well the water is fine here" Shadow said, "But only as long as the sunscreen is waterproof"

"It's always waterproof, Shadow. Your sunscreen never failed you" Nebula said.

"True. Anyways, I feel like being underneath the umbrella shade. See you around, Sonic" Shadow said and swims to the underwater steps to get out with Nebula. Sonic shrugs and continues having his drink.


A while later after getting out of the pool, the sky was turning dusk. Sonic and Amy turned into werehogs without howling this time. They did not wanna cause their howling to attract dogs or any wild canines miles away.

"Well, let's go have something to eat downstairs. And don't worry, Sonic. The silverware is not made of silver. Its stainless steel" Amy said.

"Oh, good. But it's just when it comes to having food I eat like an animal a lot than using forks or spoons. But I'll try" Sonic said, a little nervous that he'll get embarrassed if he doesn't eat right.

"Don't worry Sonikku. Act casually" Amy said.

They went downstairs and got into the restaurant at the hotel, "Hi we would like a table for two" Amy said to the waiter.

"Sure. There is one at the windows for you two" The waiter showed them.

"Thank you" Amy walks with Sonic over there. They looked at the menu.

"Hmmmm. I'm sure they got T-bone steak" Sonic said.

"And delicious salad" Amy said.

"I'll just stick to drinking water" Sonic said.

"Same" Amy said.

They saw another waiter go up to them to take their order, "Ready for your orders?" The waiter asked.

"Yes. One T-bone steak for me" Sonic said.

"And just a mix salad for me" Amy said.

"Okay then, and for drinks?" The waiter asked.

"Water please" Both Amy and Sonic said.

"Very well. Your orders will be ready in no time" the waiter said and leaves the werehogs with their orders.

SonAmy: Werehog's RoommateWhere stories live. Discover now