Flea Market

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The next day, the monsters had a good night sleep and are already waking up. Tails got the hang of sleeping on a bed for the first time while having his special bolts on his neck to cover up his electric sparks from frying anything. Shadow was able to sleep on the bed too with a mask covering his eyes to help him sleep; since he always sleeps in coffins, he never has the lid open because he likes to have it closed to sleep better in the dark. Blaze was able to sleep fine on the bed than her sarcophagus. And lastly, Hex slept okay on the bed but she never sleeps on bed outside of her lamp.

Sonic and Amy were heading for the breakfast buffet. Sonic had toasted bread with cheese and bacon with egg. Amy however had a sandwich with lettuce, cheese and tomato.

"Yeah, we slept good on the comfy bed. Though I hate to see the maid do everything in the rooms. So I did half of the cleaning, that way she can do the other half in no time" Amy said.

"That's really nice of you to do that for her" Sonic said.

"Yup. I want to show how helpful I am" Amy said.

"Good morning guys" Tails walking in along with his friends.

"Good morning" Sonic waves to them.

"How was sleeping without a coffin?" Amy asked Shadow.

"Okay, I guess" Shadow said.

Soon they all ordered some breakfast. Shadow already drank a bottle of blood in the room secretly this morning, "Hmmmhmmm. Let's see, I'll take some pancakes and apply some jam" Silver was picking some pancakes and raspberry jam.

"I wonder what normal breakfast tastes like" Blaze said.

"I bet it's good" Silver said.

"Alright then" Blaze takes some cereals.

Knuckles was filling up a glass of apple juice and placed it on his tray to then get some sandwich and grapes, "Okay, I hope I can get this right without having food phase through me again" He drinks a sip from his juice but it was not seen through.

"Ah! Don't even say it again" Sticks said to her friends that were about to tell her to eat quietly. She already knows and doesn't have to be reminded again.

"Fine" Sonic shook his head.

"Understood Sticks" Tails rolled his eyes at this.

"Okay!" Sticks smiles and began eating her breakfast.

"Yup, quiet that is" Amy said.

"Well, I'm not complaining. This food is delicious" Espio said.

"I agree with him. More taste than monster food" Hex said.

"Aside from that, this feels like we're on vacation in the normal world" Sonic said.

"Yes we are. Now as our sight-seeing begins in the city. My idea is we go to the market first" Tails said.

"That's a good idea, bud" Sonic said.


After breakfast, the monster gang headed to the market, where Tails and Sticks first saw Eggman, "This is like déjà vu" Tails said, the last time he was in the market as a normal mobian.

"What's Déjá vu?" Sticks asked.

"Never mind" Tails said. He then eyed a t-shirt with a three wolf moon on.

"Hmmm, what do you think Sonic?" He shows it to Sonic.

"Yeah, but no thanks" Sonic said.

"This market place seems a lot different than the regular market centuries ago" Shadow said.

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