Ex Lovers

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While the graduation ceremony is finished, the family and the monsters went home to celebrate. Sonic and Amy saw a familiar mummy chipmunk walking up to them along with her mummy monkey, "Hey, Sonic" she waved.

"Oh, hey Sally" Sonic said and waved to her but also saw a little jealousy in her eyes.

"So Sonic, who's that girl?" Sally asked Sonic.

"The name's Amy Rose" Amy introduced herself to Sally.

"Pleasure to meet you Amy" Sally said.

"Khan, Monkey Khan" Monkey Khan said.

"So let me guess Sonic, are you and Amy..." Sally got curious.

"Well.....yes. But it's a long story, Amy and I were roommates at first and as soon as Scourge her ex left I showed all kindness to her just as I did to you back then. So eventually after Eggman kidnapped us at the real world Amy and I became together" Sonic explained to Sally.

Sally's jealously was changed to impressed, "So you beat Eggman? Well I hope he won't bother us no more. I gotta say it's impressive either of you weren't killed by him" Sally said, "And uh, I suppose you two might live a happy life together"

"Yup. And, uh, can I talk to you Sally in private?" Sonic said, "Don't worry, Amy. We're not gonna kiss. I mean I know what happens when two ex-lovers get caught by someone it always ends up like it's a misunderstanding" he said to Amy.

"Okay, don't worry. I got sharp hearing you know" Amy chuckled shyly.

Sonic brings Sally to a private area to talk alone, "I know I can see some jealousy in your eyes, Sally. I understand you miss having me as your boyfriend before. But we already moved on with our new lovers. That day of our break up, we told each other to find someone new to love. And we respected our decision" Sonic reasoning with her.

"Yeah, I know. I am a little jealous that you already found someone new and I understand. I mean I know I was a little bossy to you but I'm a princess. It just takes a while for me to know the outside world than being stuck in royalty reality sort of thing" Sally said with positive emotions without having an excuse for her past behavior.

"I understand, well I suppose we can still be friends. But I do remember all the fun we had" Sonic said.

Sally smiled sweetly and hugs Sonic in the friendly way, "Me too, but now Khan and I have to go right now" she said.

"Yeah, and one more thing; try helping people with your skills, not your Anubis servants doing all the work for you" Sonic said.

"Yeah, you're right. I should do the helping instead of my Anubis servants doing the work for me. Thanks for the advice, Sonic. But maybe I should also be helping along with my Anubis servants" Sally suggested.

"Yup" Sonic nods and they both walk out of their private conversation to head back to their lovers.

"I heard. And I hope you're not too jealous that I'm Sonic's new lover. Are you gonna be okay with that, Sally? I just don't want your jealousy to take fully control of you" Amy asked in concern to the mummy chipmunk.

"No, no, no. It's alright. I'm with Monkey Khan now" Sally said.

"It's nothing to worry about Amy. Good luck" Monkey Khan said.

"Okay. Just wanted to make sure; I just get a little worried sometimes. No offense though. It's just....well....something else. Um, is it okay if I can explain it to you?" Amy asked the mummies.

"Sure" they both nodded.

"Whenever an ex-lover breaks up with their lover and move on with their new lover; sometimes when the ex-lover comes back they see that their former lover is with a new lover and the ex-lover gets super jealous that they want to take back their ex-lover and become a couple again" Amy explains to them.

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