Memory Flashbacks

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The next day, the weather was very foggy. In the monster world they call it a Curse Fog because the color of the fog is green but very fade green color. Though it doesn't mean it will cause deadly curses around.

Amy was sitting near the window looking out at the fog outside. She then looks at Sonic who was reading a comic book about Spider-Zombie (Spider-Man).

"I heard that in the normal world, they have this comic hero known as Spider-Man. But in our monster world it's Spider-Zombie" Amy said.

"Yes. He got his powers by a radioactive giant spider in this version. His allies are Ant-bug, the one eyed Cyulk and Iron Wolf" Sonic said.

"Yup. My favorite is Undead Wondress" Amy said, talking about Undead Wondress (Wonder Woman).

"What was she? A ghoul or a zombie?" Sonic guessed.

"Skeleton, but she got incredible powers such as flight, super strength and her lasso of truth" Amy said.

"So if she ties anyone they tell the truth" Sonic chuckled.

"Yes. She got also a shield and a sword in some cases" Amy said.

"Cool. Now let's go for breakfast" Sonic said. Amy got up and followed Sonic to the cafeteria, holding his hand on the way there. They got downstairs to find some students standing in line.

Sonic's fur stood up and growls lowly when he sniffed Scourge's scent, "Amy, I got his scent" Sonic squints his eyes seriously.

"Oh crud" Amy gulps.

Sonic's ears sensed that Scourge was not far away in the cafeteria.

"Amy, if he does something bad you better run" Sonic whispered.

"I am not weak you know" Amy said quietly.

"Right. Your hammer for example" Sonic said, when they got inside the cafeteria they had pancakes with syrup, Amy also picked out some fruit.

"Yes, but I don't bash monsters with my hammer. It would be too brutal and bloody. But yes I do bash heartless bad guys" Amy said.

"Damn" Sonic gave a disgusted look.

"I know, I know. But not too hard or rough. Just knocking them out cold" Amy nervously said with a shy smile.

"Oh right" Sonic chuckled. They go to a table with their friends.

"Come on, Shadow. My arm is about to fall asleep. Hurry up with having blood orange fruit, man!" Silver groans in annoyance for having his batty roommate hanging upside down on his arm.

"That's what you get for scaring me to life when I was asleep last night" Bat Shadow said, "And this is your punishment. And of course, no room for me to sit at the table"

"Help me out here, Nebula. My arm is giving out and I can't feel my arm" Silver whimpered at her.

"Well...." Nebula spoke but saw his undead golden eyes turning to begging puppy eyes look, "Okay, okay! I'll help" she sighs and grabs Bat Shadow off of Silver's arm.

"Thank you" Silver sat down on his chair while Nebula placed Bat Shadow on the table.

"Hey! I liked his arm to hang onto!" Bat Shadow squeaked in anger.

"Shadow, don't start. Yes, I know you told me what he did last night but give him a break. He didn't mean to scare you to death...I mean scare you to life. But he was only teasing you. Having no sense of humor can only make you feel a little stubborn" Nebula said to him.

"Whatever" Bat Shadow folded his wings, pouting.

"There he goes again with the pouty bat face" Sonic rolled his eyes.

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