The Barrel of a Gun

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'If there's anything worth dying for ... this it it' - Dean Winchester

Growing up, Will and Jay would try to look out for their baby sister - but she was always able to look out for herself. When she was 13 she saw an older boy from their neighbourhood punch Will straight in the face, so Emily took it apon herself to 'teach' the bully a lesson. Will was grateful that she stuck up for him, but it embarrassed him a little that his baby sister solved this problem for him. It was something that they never told Jay about.

Around the age of 14 Emily could party with the best of them, and her fake ID got her into bars and clubs galore. There were many times when Jay would get a call early in the morning saying that she needed to be picked up. Jay was more than willing to help out his sister. He would sneak her past their sleeping dad, since Jay knew that if their dad found out about Emily drinking he would beat her within an inch of her life.

At 15, the siblings had found out about their mothers cancer. Out of them all, Emily took this the worst. She fell in with the wrong crowd, that's where she met David Cohan. Kyle's father. He was charming and handsome. Everyone knew about the reputation he had, but Emily didn't see that side of him.

But everyone sees what they want to see.

At 16 Emily found out she was pregnant. At first she was shocked, it seemed like even though they had been careful - apparently that wasn't enough. Jay went with her to her first doctors appointment. And nine months later, she was lying in a hospital bed giving birth.

Emily never heard anything more from David after the birth, and for 18 months she stayed in Chicago. She watched her mothers health deteriorate. It was at that point she left and went to Washington DC. After that, her family didn't hear much from her. Emily kept to herself.

Until she met Tommy, he knew everything about Emily's life. He was aware about the baby she had at 16. Emily and Tommy,to everyone around them where a perfect match.

Derek Morgan, was Emily's partner for nearly 7 years. He was the only one in the world that Emily trusted with her life, they had a love for each other that the rest of the team didn't quite understand. Garcia understood it minimally. Emily and Derek would always explain it by saying 'We'd die for each other, that's how much we care about each other'.

With the rest of the team, even though she would take a bullet for them - they would never have the same level of trust that she and Derek had. But, that's what happens when you are partnered together for as long as they where, there will be a level of trust that can't be wavered.

JJ, Emily and Garcia often had girls nights. They would go to Salsa classes together, or even just go to a bar and have drinks. For a short time, usually on a Friday night, they where just four normal women sitting at a bar - laughing at the guys that would hit on them. Sometimes, they would even go out of their way to embarrass said guy, flirting. This was something that would always get a laugh out of the three girls.

Everything in Emily's life changed when she first met Kelly Severide. After everything that happened with Emily and Tommy, she didn't think that she would ever find someone who she cared so much about again. Someone that she would kill for. Kelly Severide was someone that she could see herself one day settling down with. Growing old together, maybe sitting on a porch as they watched their grandchildren run around their front garden.

The moment he found out about Kyle, Emily could see her life with Kelly disappearing in front of her eyes. It was like he was disgusted with her. That seemed to be the end. As he walked out the door, Emily knew at that moment that she was going to do everything she could to keep Kyle in her life and safe.

But still, she wanted to go back to work. Something that would make her son proud of his mother. Emily knew, that being on the job meant that she was likely to die on the job.

One thing Emily always said was, she knew that she wasn't going to die a regular death. She knew that she was going to die by the end of a blade, or the barrel of a gun.

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