Emily's solid

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Home. When most people think of their home, they think of the home in which they live - the Halstead siblings had different ideas of where home was. To Jay, home was with Erin. Mainly because he felt comfortable when they where together. To Will, home was just Chicago in general. He grew up in the city, so to him - he couldn't live anywhere else. Emily on the other hand, could never really pin point her home. If she was honest, she never really felt at home anywhere since her mother died. In Washington, Emily had started to feel like she was at home with her life, but when she left - the feeling left with her.

Emily had often wondered where Kyle thought of as home. Did he think of Chicago? The place that he was born. Or did he think of Lawrence, Kansas as his home? Either way, she couldn't blame him. Since he entered the city, his life hadn't been great. With the death of his mother, and the suicide attempt - Emily was actually the one who put the idea forward of him leaving the city for a while and going to live with his Aunt and his brother.

As she watched him being driven away, a small tear fell out of her eyes - but she knew that Kyle needed to be somewhere he was happy. And even thought the siblings would have liked him to stay, they knew that forcing him to stay in the city would probably do more harm than good.

In LA, a close nit team - just like Emily's team back in the FBI, stood around a table coming up with a plan to bring 'David Cohen' to the FBI. None of them where actually aware of why the FBI had tried to get into contact with the old alias, but that didn't stop them from plotting. "Why can't you just go back under?" A male, with blonde shaggy hair asked. He had been the last to join the team, but still he wasn't at the same level as them. While the rest of the team was identified as Federal Agents, not FBI but NCIS, but this male was LAPD.

"Do we trust any FBI agents?" Nell, the only female active field agent on the small team asked, looking between the three males she worked with on a daily basis. The male with blonde shaggy hair, known as Deeks, shook his head. Giving Nell a look that said 'Do I look like someone who knows FBI agents?'. The other two men on the team, had more contacts than Deeks could ever imagine. Sam Hanna, an ex Navy SEAL had worked with Emily and her team a few times during his career. Meaning that he trusted her with his life. There had been times when Emily had bent the rules to give Sam and his team any help that she could. But still, she had never met anyone else on his team.

"I have someone" Sam said.

"Can we trust them?" A male by the name of Callen asked, since it was his alias that the FBI had effectively burnt - he wasn't to open to the idea of trusting another agent that he didn't know.

"Emily's solid" Sam said, pulling out his phone and calling his friend - asking her if she could ask around why a technical analyst seemed to be reaching out to an old friend of his. Unknowingly to Emily, she was in fact going to be asking Garcia why she was trying to get into contact this someone off the books.

"What did you do to the FBI as David Cohen?" Nell asked, wondering why now - after all this time was the FBI suddenly interested in him. Callen shrugged, not having any idea.

Back in Chicago, Emily was getting ready for work. After a phone conversation with Sam Hanna, she planned to reach out to Penelope Garcia - as she knew that Garcia wouldn't be able to lie to her about who she was reaching out to. As she wondered through the Intelligence squad room, she was greeted by many smiled. Even one from Sargent Hank Voight, she wasn't sure if the smile was one of comfort or one of pity - but she was glad to take it either way. Sitting down in her office, she reached over to her phone - ready to call Garcia, but she was interrupted when both of her brothers wondered into her office. "So ..." Will started, looking directly at his sister.

"So...?" She questioned back, a little unsure of what was actually happening.

"I think I've found David" Jay stated.

"And who's David?" Emily asked, wondering if her brother knew just how many David's there actually was in the world.

"David Cohen. Kyle's dad" Will said, he had never agreed with Jays feeble attempt to reunite the father and son - but he did have his brothers back on this.

"Where?" Emily asked.

"LA, I think. Morgan is tracking him down" Jay said, making everything click in Emily's head.

"I need you both to leave" Emily said, Will and Jay both looked at each other - unsure of what was going on. "I'll call you both later" Emily said, standing from her seat and ushering her brothers out of the room. After they left, she wondered back over to her phone - picking it up and calling Sam Hanna back.

"Did you get anything?" Sam asked.

"I want to speak to him" Emily said.


"David Cohen. Or whatever his name is. I know he's one of you" Emily said, on the other side of the phone she could hear a man talking. A few seconds later, a voice that she could still remember with some clarity came over the phone.

"Hello" Callen said.

"Do you remember me?" Emily asked, curiosity getting the best of her.

"We met in Chicago, right?" Callen asked, trying to confirm the details in his own mind.

"Yes. My brothers have been trying to track you down. You have a son" Emily told him "He tried to end his own life two weeks ago. They wanted you to know" She finished, before hanging up the phone. Not wanting to have any more contact with him. By the time she had arrived at Mollys, the city was already dark. Sitting at the bar talking to Matt and Gabby was Kelly Severide, trying to explain to them why he wasn't going to ask the new barmaid out.

"Don't you think it's time?" Gabby asked, trying to push him on a reason he wouldn't want to move on from everything that happened with Emily.

"Think it's time to do what?" Emily asked, taking a seat next to her friends - all of them not really wanting to explain what they where talking about. "Okay, be shady" Emily said, leaning forward and ordering a drink from the new barmaid. "You should totally ask her out" Emily said, leaning over to Severide who just looked at her in shock.

"I'm good thanks" Severide said back to her, looking at Gabby and Matt with wide eyes.

"Just saying" Emily said, taking a sip of the beer that had been placed in front of her. "So, I'm starving. Do you all want to get dinner?" Emily asked.

"Matt and I are having dinner with Antonio tonight" Gabby said, smiling back at her best friend.

"I'm in" Severide said, the friends stood up and left the bar together. Leaving Gabby and Matt looking at them.

"Isn't life so much easier when they are friends?" Matt asked, glad that the two ex's where finally starting to be friends again. 

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