We should double date

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The next few days where hard on the female Halstead sibling, especially when she was informed that Carla's older sister would be coming for the boys and taking them back to Kansas. That night Jay found her sitting in her car crying. Will had always been better at the emotional stuff than Jay, but he still climbed into the car and put his arms around her. Allowing her to express everything that she was feeling at the moment. 

When Emily saw the joy on Kyle's face the moment her saw his Auntie, she knew everything was going to be okay for him. Even though he was being taken away from her for the second time in his 14 years of life, Emily swore to herself that she wasn't going to lose him again. She would be there for him if he ever needed anything. Emily took the liberty of speaking to Kyle's Aunt, telling her that if they needed anything she could call and Emily would come running. 

Two days later, Emily was sitting on her couch with a beer in her hand when she heard a knock on her front door. Instead of walking over, she just shouted 'It's open' to whoever it was that was here to see her. Without a sound, the front door was pushed open and in walked Connor Rhodes. He carefully closed the door behind him, before walking over to where Emily was sitting and placing a bottle of Whiskey on her coffee table. "You look like you could use a real drink" He spoke, pulling two glassed out of his coat pocket. 

Internally, Emily laughed at this action. She watched as Connor poured the drinks and sat back on her couch, making himself at home. "Hard day?" Emily asked, finally breaking the silence that seemed to have engulfed the two of them. 

"A young girl died on me today" He said, a sigh leaving his mouth as he spoke. Emily felt herself place her hand on his arm, giving it a quick squeeze. This small action giving Connor a small bit of comfort. "It's fine. I just needed a stiff drink, and didn't want to drink alone" 

"Well, my doors always open" Emily said, leaning back into the couch and taking a sip of the glass of Whiskey that had found its way into her hand. "Especially, if the drinks you are bringing are bottles of this stuff. It's amazing" Emily said, taking another sip of her glass. Connor watched her as he laughed. 

"We never hang out" Connor said, internally wondering why they never go for drinks in Molly's or anything, especially since they where such good friends. "I mean, we're both friends. We should double date. You and Kelly. Me and Hayley" Connor told her, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. 

"Kelly and I aren't a thing anymore" Emily told him, Connor shook his head - not believing that he had been so stupid. Of course they weren't together. Why else wouldn't he have come to the hospital. "I'm sorry" Connor said "I shouldn't have said anything" 

"Don't worry about it, I'm not that bothered" Emily said, "So, where's Hayley?" She asked, wondering where the Doctor was tonight. 

"She's working, otherwise I'd be at home. She'd drink with me" Connor said, pouring himself another glass.

An hour and a half, and a few drinks later - both Connor and Emily where completely wasted. Emily allowed Connor to sleep his drunken state off on her couch, while she went to bed. As she lay there, she realised just how much she missed having Kelly lying there next to her. Usually his broad shoulders would be just near her head, while her hand would be flat on his chest. Sometimes, when she woke up first - she would just look at how peaceful he looked in his sleep. 

Most of the night, Emily spent tossing and turning. Not being able to sleep without Kelly's presents in her bed. By the time she woke up the next morning, Connor had left leaving a small note saying thank you. Emily smiled to herself, having a friend around her at this time was a nice thing, but one thing was still staying firmly in the back of her mind. Kelly Severide. After everything, she felt the need to reach out to him and talk. 

Emily sat around her house all day, looking through her files - just trying to keep her mind off the situation with Kelly. Three knocks on her front door caught her attention, Emily wondered over to the door to be greeted by Kelly Severide. 


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