Tina Cameron - Part 2

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As soon as Tina announced where she had been that night, Emily excused herself from the hospital room and called Aaron Hotchner - knowing that at this moment in time there was no one on her team that she could really trust. After a few rings, Hotch answered the phone - giving Emily some relief. "Hotch, it's Emily" She said, before filling him on her situation. A few moments later, Hotch told her that he and the team would be coming to Chicago to help her out on the case.

Emily wondered back into the ED, hoping to get more information out of Tina. When she got to Tina's room, she could here the voice of a man talking to Tina, as she opened the door she saw Will standing there - talking to her victim. "Will you can't be in here" She told her brother, grabbing his arm and pushing him out of the room.

"Tina Cameron is my patient" Will argued with Emily, trying to stay in the room - but in every sense of the word, she was stronger. As Emily dragged Will out of the room, he looked at his sister - wondering what was going on. In her head, Emily knew that her brother wasn't capable of doing anything like this, but still - she was going to protect him either way.

"Will trust me, do not go in that room alone again. Always take another doctor with you" She told her brother, whenever Emily acted like this - Will knew not to question it as she usually had a good reason for her actions. So, he agreed. Telling her that if he needed to check on her again, he would take April or Dr Reese with him - to this Emily agreed. She watched as Will walked away, she wondered back into Tina's room. "Hey, Tina. Can I ask you a few more questions?" Emily asked,

"Yeah" Tina said.

"Do you remember anything about before you where attacked?"

"I was sitting at the bar, talking to a guy. He gave me his phone number, it should still be in my jacket pocket" Tina said, Emily nodded at her. "We made out, and then he said he needed to leave. I think I left about two hours later" Tina told Emily, watching as Emily jotted down the information that Tina was telling her. Over an hour later, Emily had finished her interview with Tina and was heading to Molly's with a search warrant signed by a federal judge - ready to take whatever it was she needed from the bar, no matter who was there.

Hotch and the rest of his team had landed a little of half and hour ago, and they had called to tell Emily that they would be meeting her at Molly's - but she wasn't to enter until they got there. Emily sat in her car, waiting for the rest of the team to arrive, when they finally did - no words where spoken between them all. They just walked into the bar together. All business.

Behind the bar, Gabby and Herrman where stood serving drinks with other members of Firehouse 51 scattered around the bar. Even members of Intelligence where sitting around drinking. Morgan and Emily walked up to the bar, only to be greeted by Gabby with a smile on her face. Hotch, JJ, Reid and Rossi stood around the bar - taking in everything all around them.

"Hey Em, what's up?" Gabby asked, confusion written on her face. Matt and Severide noticed this and walked closer to the two FBI Agents.

"We have a warrant to search the premises" Emily said, passing over the search warrant to Gabby - Matt waved Antonio over who grabbed the warrant from Gabby's hand and read it through. A few moments later, Antonio nodded at Gabby who agreed to the search.

"What do you need?"

"We need all your receipts for last night as well as any surveillance footage you have from last night. Covering both exits if possible" Emily said, looking at her friend.

"Matt do you mind?" Gabby asked, Matt nodded leading Reid and JJ to the back room - allowing them to look over the footage. Morgan, Hotch and Rossi started searching the bar - leaving Emily standing by the bar with her ex boyfriend and her best friend.

"You could have just asked" Gabby said, moving away from Emily.

"You really do know how to treat people Em" Severide said to her.

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