Try me

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"You know, when you where born - I wanted to keep you. I wanted to watch you grow up, because even as a newborn - I loved you. But, just because you love someone - doesn't mean you should stick around and screw up their life. That's why I put you up for adoption. I'm sorry I wasn't there for you. I really am. I've always gone around in life, thinking that my one job was to be an Agent. That I was here to chase down the bad guys. You've taught me that my only job in this world, the most important job, is to be there for you. And it's okay. If you want to go and leave this world - well, that's your own call. But, if you chose to fight. To fight and not give up. I promise you, I'll do everything I can to keep you safe. But I need you to listen to me, I want to help you, I really do. I just can't save you, if you don't want to be saved. Okay, baby" Emily said, wiping the tears that seemed to have spilled from her eyes as she had been speaking. With her left hand, Emily took Kyle's in hers - watching as he breathed in and out. That being the only indication that he was even still alive.

It had been an hour since a team of Doctors and nurses had run into Kyle's hospital room with the hope of keeping him alive, and they had done it. They had treated Kyle with everything they had. Connor Rhodes had all the hope in the world that Kyle was going to make a full recovery, if he woke up. While Will had been reading over Kyle's medical notes. Jay had been in touch with the BAU, trying to find Kyle's father - since Jay wanted Kyle to know that he had more family than he could even dream about. But that thought was harder than it seemed. According to the team, David Cohen had just disappeared off the face of the earth - they had promised to carry on looking for him until they had finally found him. As Morgan had put it 'We are family, and I won't stop until Kyle has all his answers'.

Back in the hospital room, Emily stroked the top of Kyle's hand with her thumb. Mentally willing him to wake up, even the slightest jerk of his hand or a twitch of one of his fingers would give her hope that he would be okay. But after hours and hours of waiting, nothing happened. His breathing didn't change either. Just steady breaths that broke Emily's heart. For a while, she just sat by his side - she didn't notice that she was falling asleep. A sleeping Emily was found by Jay, who had wondered in from the waiting room to find his sister, he placed one hand on her shoulder - smiling a little as he did. The smile that was planted on his face wasn't one of happiness, because the moment was bittersweet. While on one hand, he was glad that there where so many people there, waiting for Kyle to open his eyes. His family. Even though they where not blood. They where family none the less. But the fact that Kyle was still lying lifeless infringed of him, well, that was the horrible part. The part that made each Halstead sibling want to breakdown and cry. But they didn't. Instead they rallied. They had each others back. Because, that's what a family does.

Hours later, Emily woke up to a pulling feeling. Like something or someone was pulling on her hand, with sleep filled eyes - Emily looked up to see Kyle trying to sit himself up. She just watched him for a moment, not saying anything. Not wanting to scare him in anyway, she could see that he was nervous and in pain - Emily didn't want to make him feel more uncomfortable. "Are you going to say something or are you just going to keep staring at me?" Kyle asked, already becoming frustrated with the way his mother was looking at him.

"How do you feel?" Emily asked, not really sure what else she could say to him. It wasn't like you can just come out with the question that she really wanted the answer to 'So why did you try and hang yourself?', it's not really a conversation starter. Kyle looked at her for a moment before answering.

"Suicidal" Kyle answered, like it was the most obvious thing in the world. It was almost like he was angry at Emily for even asking the question.

"Tell me why" Emily said, looking at him. She used the same lifeless expression that she used whenever she was talking to an unsub.

"You wouldn't understand" Kyle said to his mother, before rolling over and facing away from Emily.

"Try me"

"I'm gay" Kyle said, turning back around to look at his mothers reaction. It shocked him to see that she didn't seem to be fazed by this news. It was like she had already known but just never brought it up.

"And?" Emily asked.

"You, Uncle Jay and Uncle Will are very .. well ... straight" Kyle said "I didn't think you'd want me around anymore if I told you" He said, a tear falling from his eyes.

"So you tried to kill yourself? Kyle, listen to me. Life isn't always easy. There will be times when it seems like giving up would be the easy thing to do, but that's why you've got us. Family doesn't give up on each other. No matter what. It doesn't matter to any of us that your gay. I couldn't careless. There is nothing, past or present we would ever stop loving you for. Don't forget that. Ever. Okay?" Emily said, reaching out again and holding onto Kyle's hand.

"I love you"

"I love you too, Kyle" Emily said, standing up and moving towards the door of the hospital room -  before reaching out and ushering Connor Rhodes into the room to examine Kyle. In the waiting room, Jay stood in his phone - talking to Derek Morgan who had been able to track down Kyle's father. But the news wasn't what he expected, and he knew that he'd have to tell Emily at some point. But now wasn't the time. "He's awake" Emily said, a smile on her face as she walked towards Will who was sitting down on a chair, reading a patients lab results. As soon as he heard his sister talk, Will stood up and hugged his sister. Telling her that he knew everything was going to be okay.

"How is he?" Jay asked, coming towards his sister.

"He's talking, that's all that matters right now. He thought that we wouldn't except him for being gay. We just need to be there for him right now" Emily said, she spent the next few minutes talking to her brothers. Explaining to them that they needed to be there for Kyle, no matter what.

Over 2,000 miles away in Los Angeles, two men walked down the street - talking about where they were going to eat lunch that day. While one of them wanted a burger, the other one was saying that maybe healthy eating would be something good for him to try. Just as they entered a small diner, one of the men's phones rang.

"What's going on, Eric?" The man asked.

"Your old alias David Cohen has been contacted" Eric said over the phone.

"By who?" The man asked.

"The FBI"

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Do you have any ideas who Kyle's dad might be now?
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I just want to say that while Kyle survived trying to kill himself
There are so many people that don't
It's important for people to know that this does happen everyday
Even people you don't expect may be thinking about taking their own lives
It's hard to deal with a person you love taking their own life without any explanation at all
I know what it's like the experience a loss like that
And if your going through that yourself
Just know that you will be okay

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