Tina Cameron - Part 4

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Emily Halstead was the first to tell people, that just because you know someone - doesn't mean you can always trust them. She was always aware that people have a dark side, and while some fight this darkness - others embrace it. Letting their darkness cloud their judgement, sometimes even doing something that they would never usually do. Being an FBI Agent meant that Emily saw the darkness in people, she saw first hand what could happen when people openly accepted their darkness. Sometimes, she saw the light in people. Like when a person hands themselves in because while they did let their darkness take over, they still felt the guilt that came along with their action.

Never did Emily think that she would be investigating someone that she knew. Someone that she had worked with. Someone who had been her partner and was supposed to have her back. She wondered what he would have done, given the chance. Would he have raped her to? When they first met, he had always been friendly to her, and ever since Tina picked out his photo - she had noticed just how alike she and Tina looked. She knew that most rapists had a type. But was she his type? Sure they had been out for drinks together and he had been flirty with her, but she had always turned him down. Was Tina's rape because Emily had turned him down again and again?

Morgan had tried to tell Emily that there was nothing she could have done, nothing that she could have changed. While in the back of her mind, she knew that Morgan was right. She knew that he probably would have done something like this at sometime or another. It just didn't help her psyche. "Em, you didn't do anything. There is nothing you could have done" Morgan told her as they drove back to the district with the information that they had gathered.

"I worked with this guy Morgan, we both did. God, I had a drink with him the other night. Morgan, I trusted this guy. I trusted Nick. And now he's raped a girl" Emily said, Morgan watched as Emily started to stress out. Physically become disgusted with the idea that Nick Benson had been in her home. He had drank her drinks and sat on her couch while all alone he was harbouring this impulses, and she didn't see it at all.

When they arrived at the district, both Morgan and Emily went straight to the meeting room where the rest of the BAU team where conducting their conversation. "How did it go?" Hotch asked as the partners looked around the room. When they noticed that Nick Benson wasn't there, they told the team that Tina had identified Benson as the man that raped her. The team looked between each other, unsure of what to say. "Are you sure?" Hotch asked, sadly Emily nodded. One thing she was happy about was that Tina hadn't identified her brother

"You should have seen it Hotch, Tina - she had a physical response to seeing his face. It was like her mind was going through the attack again, she crawled to the back of her bed and cowered there. Hotch, you can't fake that kind of physical reaction. She knew it was him" Morgan told Hotch and the rest of the team. They all looked between each other before Hotch spoke again.

"Where is Nick Benson?" Hotch asked.

"Upstairs, from what I know - Voight is keeping everyone on a tight leash" Emily told him.

"Go arrest him" Hotch said, both Emily and Morgan nodded to each other before walking upstairs. In the Intelligence squad room, everyone was sitting at their desks - making it look like they there working but really they where emailing each other. Not knowing what was going on. As Morgan and Emily walked into the Intelligence squad room - they looked around for Nick Benson. He was sat with Jay, looking at something on the compute in front of him.

"Nick Benson. You are under arrest for the rape of Tina Cameron" Morgan said, he looked straight towards Benson - while Benson looked amused with what was happening.

"Really? You want to arrest me" Nick Benson said, standing close to Jay. Emily looked at him for a second before speaking.

"I suggest you step away from my brother before I move you myself" Emily said, she watched as Benson moved away from Jay before coming towards Emily and Morgan. As Benson reached for his gun, Jay pulled out his and placed it at the back of his head.

"Don't even try and point a gun at my sister of you want to live" Jay said, not moving his weapon from the back of Nick's head. While Morgan arrested Nick, Jay pulled Emily into a hug. Happy that his sister was in one piece.

"You've burned some serious bridges" Jay told his sister while Morgan escorted Nick Benson out of the squad room.

"YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU'VE DONE, EMILY" Nick yelled up the stairs, Emily looked at Jay before moving past him to look down at Nick Benson. "There are so many people coming after you Emily and you don't even know it. They are coming to take everything you love. Your friends. Your family. Your boyfriend. The man you love. Soon, they will all be a memory. You won't see us coming, but you will feel our mark" Nick said, laughing as he spoke.

"I'm the one that hunts you people. You people can come after me all you like, but I will take you all down" Emily said, watching as Morgan led him down the stairs and towards the holding cell. Emily looked around before letting her eyes land on Jay. Instead of speaking, she just grabbed onto him. Hugging him as tightly as she could.

"Em?" A voice questioned from somewhere towards her office. Emily turned her head, after seeing Booth standing there - they basically ran towards each other. "Are you okay?" He asked, pulling back and inspecting her. Making sure that there wasn't even a hair out of place on her head. "You should have told me. I would have helped you" Booth told her, not in a way that could be considered as being forceful - but instead more like he was just telling her he would be ready if she needed anything ever again.

"I know, I should have told you" Emily said, closing her eyes as she placed her head on his chest listening to his heart beating.

"I've cancelled my trip. I'm staying with you until this is all sorted out" Ryan Booth said, running this fingers though her hair. Emily was grateful for this, just the comfort. "Let's go home" Ryan said, leading Emily out of the district. Hotch was aware that Emily would be going straight home as he was in contact with Ryan, but what he didn't know was anything about this new threat to Emily. Urgently he wanted to keep the team in Chicago so they where ready for whatever was coming next. But they had other cases and if Emily needed anything, they would be there as soon as they could.

The team had lived to fight another day. But for how long.

Sometimes there are no words, no clever quotes to neatly sum up what's happened that day. Sometimes you do everything right, everything exactly right, and still you feel like you failed. Did it need to end that way? Could something have been done to prevent the tragedy in the first place? Sometimes the day just ends.

Hey guys,

This is the last Tina Cameron chapter.

What do you think Nick Benson was talking about when he talked about people coming for Emily?

What about the boyfriend and the man she loves comment?

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