Your life's like a Sam Smith song

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May is always a good month when you live in Chicago, finally the winter is coming to an end. In a way, May symbolises the start of summer - not that the city to extremely warm, but at least you didn't have to wear a hat and big coat. Emily always liked this time of year. Although she wasn't the biggest fan of summer, since she would spend most of the time complaining that she was to hit - she really enjoyed the break from the snow. This morning in particular, was good for Emily. She had managed to go for a 5 mile run before breakfast, or as Connor would explain it 'she'd run until she got hungry then stop to get some pastries'. Apparently, the two friends had different ideas of what exercise was. After weeks of looking, Emily had actually been able to find a new place to live - a place that was her own. It was placed in the same building as Connor, leaving her able to eat breakfast with her friend every morning.

After finishing her run, Emily had gotten changed before heading into work. At the precinct, Voight had arranged for the Intelligence task force to have an early morning meeting - mostly about watching Emily. As he spoke, Voight could see the frustration written on Jay's face, meaning he chose his words very carefully. Making sure that he never said that he didn't trust Emily, but by saying that he wasn't sure how she was feeling after Stone threw her into the cage. Something he as sure she wouldn't be getting over anytime soon. While Emily did think it was strange that everyone else was sitting at their desks by the time she had gotten in that morning, she chose not to say anything - mainly because she knew that the meeting would be about her. But she didn't care. In her mind, she wasn't a part of their team. And she never would be.

For most of the morning, Emily was on the phone with her team back in Washington. Many members of the Intelligence team he wondered past her window, looking in to see what she was doing - and Emily noticed this. It was this that made her place her phone call on hold for a moment so she could close the blinds to her office, after doing so - she continued with her phone call.

"Why wasn't I informed of this?" Emily asked Hotch, who she was pestering to give her the answers that she wanted. According to Hotch, her clearance level wasn't high enough for her to be involved in the specifics of the mission. But, Emily had argued that she had a right to know. Especially since he knew about her. At that point, Hotch had told her that what happened with her - well, that was a different matter all together. This angered Emily. Before anymore could be said between the two feuding colleagues, a knock on Emily's door made her hang the phone up. Shouting a quick 'come in' to whoever was out there. Jay wondered into his sister office, holding two cans of Dr Pepper under his arm - and carrying a brown bag in his left hand. From where she was sitting, Emily was able to smell the food inside the bag. "Are we having lunch?" Emily asked him, a small smile on her face as she spoke.

"I thought we could, it's been a while since we had lunch" Jay said to his sister, he placed the brown bag onto the table. He watched as his sister picked up the cab of Dr Pepper before opening it and taking a sip, as she did this - Jay pulled out two sandwiches and passed one over to Emily. "I got you a cheese, lettuce and mayo" Jay said, looking at Emily's face as she opened the same sandwich that she ate as a child. One that her mother had made her for school dinners, and lunches at home. "How is it?" Jay asked, taking a bite of his sandwich too.

"Not as good as mums" Emily told her brother, just taking that one bite took her back to being a child - running home from school to see her mother. Laughing as they would cook together in the small kitchen of their house, while her brothers and father would sit in the front room - usually watching baseball or whatever sport was on the TV that day. At dinner time, the family would sit around the dinner table - their mother would insist on it, telling them all that they needed to at least spent 10 minutes a day with each other. While they would all complain that they hated sitting at the table together, later in life it became one of their most treasured memories. Emily tried not to think about those time really, only because they hurt her. She hated that she had made the last year or two of her mothers life a living hell. Jay liked to tell her that she didn't, but deep down she knew that she had. "So, are you going to tell me why you are buttering me up?" Emily asked, knowing her brother all to well.

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