Someones feisty

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Ever since the hostage situation in Firehouse 51, the Intelligence team had noticed a change in Emily's behaviour. She was more secretive. Anyone that spoke to her was greet by a wall of sarcasm and glaring looks that could make anyone nervous, even Hank Voight. Jay and Will had tried to talk to their sister, hoping to get an answer for the change in her behaviour, but they only got a stubborn "I'm fine" from her.

Antonio had left Intelligence, becoming the leader of his own investigative unit for the DA - which meant that Voight was having to move partnerships around again. After a few days he settled on new partners. Erin and Jay. Olinsky and Burgess. Kevin and Nick Benson. This meant that until Ruzek was back from his undercover assignment, Emily was working on her own - or partnering with Voight. But she didn't really care.

While the rest of the Intelligence team sat at their desks, finishing up some paperwork - Emily sat in her office. Getting a few moments of shut eye. Chicago was quiet at that moment in time, it was like all killers or criminals had taken a week off. This meant that everyone had free time. And for police officers, free time was the worst. Emily placed her head on her desk, only to have to look back up when someone knocked on her office door.

Matt Casey waited outside of Emily's office, hoping that he could have a real conversation with her. Faintly, Matt heard Emily tell him to come into the office. As he entered, Matt didn't get a hello. He got the same look that everyone had become accustomed to getting when they dealt with Emily. A cold empty stare. "Matt. What are you doing here?" Emily asked, wondering why he had come to see her.

"Do you still love Kelly?" Matt asked outright. Emily looked at him for a moment before answering, knowing that there was n o right answer to that question.

"Yes" Emily said, taking in a deep breath as she spoke.

"Then you need to talk to him" Matt said, he saw the questioning look on Emily's face - causing him to take a seat at her desk and explain what he meant. "Kelly's been offered a job in Springfield, as Battalion Chief. He's thinking of taking the job, to get away from everything" Matt told her.

"When you say everything, you mean me. Right?"


"What makes you think I can change his mind? You know how stubborn he can be" Emily said.

"Because after everything, he still listens to you" Matt said, getting up and walking towards the door of Emily's office. "Just talk to him"

"I'll try. No promises" Emily said, as she watched Matt leave. While Emily sat at her desk, thinking of what Matt had just said to her - Kelly Severide was sitting in the SQUAD, thinking about what his answer was going to be.

Later that night, both Kelly and Emily where making their way to Molly's. Neither of them even thinking that the other was going to show. Ever since the hostage situation Kelly and Emily hadn't spoken. Both of them trying to keep a safe distance from each other. Especially since Emily had blocked a gun for him.

Emily had arrived at Molly's first. She sat with Gabby and Matt, drinking a beer with a light heart and a smile on her face. The spoke about anything and everything, laughing as they joked with each other. When Kelly walked into Molly's, Matt was the first one to see him. Placing his beer on the table, Matt motioned to Emily to go and talk with Kelly. Which she did, after making it clear to Matt she was doing it under protest. "Hey" Emily said to Severide, sitting down next to him at the bar and motioning to Herrman that they wanted two beers.

"Hi" Severide said, looking at her with a confused expression on his face. "Do you need something or ... " Severide said.

"All honesty?"


"Matt told me about the job offer you got in Springfield" Emily told him.

"Was I supposed to run that past you? You did break up with me" Severide said, Emily rolled her eyes at his attitude.

"Someones feisty" Emily said, passing over some money from her pocket "All serious now. Are you thinking of taking the job?" She asked. When Severide didn't say anything, Emily knew what that meant. "Your taking the job"

"I think so"


"I get that the break up was easy for you, but it wasn't for me. You ran off to Washington the first time we finished, so why can't I go to Springfield?" Severide asked, beginning to get a little annoyed at her.

"You think it was easy for me? Do you realise that I can't sleep properly without you there, right beside me - with your big ass shoulders bashing me in the head when you roll over. And your annoying thing about leaving clothes on the floor of the bathroom. Those things piss me off to no extent, but they are what made me fall in love with you. And yeah, I don't think you should take that job. But that's because I think that you'll get there and want to come home. All I'm going to say is that if you really want to take the job, take it. Just don't take it because you want to get away from me" Emily said before picking up her coat and leaving the bar.

As Emily started the walk back to her house, she thought about her little chat with Severide - just hoping that she had done enough to convince him to stay. Just as she walked further down the street, a voice knocked her out of her thoughts. When she turned around to see where the new voice was coming from - she saw Ryan Booth. Another FBI agent that she never thought she would see again.

Emily and Ryan both looked at each other for a moment before walking towards each other and pulling one another into a tight embrace. As Emily breathed, she was greeted by the smell of whiskey and leather. This just made her smile.

Severide had left Molly's a few minutes after Emily, only to catch her in an embrace with a guy that he didn't know. For a moment, there was a pang of jealousy that jumped through his chest but instead of hanging around to see what was going to progress between Emily and this new mystery stranger - he wondered back into Molly's.

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