I told you to be nice

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"Your sending me undercover?" Emily asked, as she paced Hotch's office. He had pulled her off a case to in form her that she was now going undercover with an Agent that she had never met before."Send me under with Morgan. At least then, I know someone's got my back" Emily argued to Hotch.

"Emily, you know I would never send you undercover without someone that didn't have your back" Hotch told her, walking towards his blinds and closing them - preventing the leering profiler's from getting a reading on the situation.

"I don't know" Emily said, looking through the file that Hotch had given her on this new case.

"He's a good Agent" Hotch said, defending his choice. "I personally picked Agent Booth for this mission. Trust me" Hotch told her.

"Okay" Emily said "But I want to meet him first" She told Hotch. He nodded at her before picking up his office phone and calling for Agent Booth to be sent up to his office. The rest of their team watched Hotch's office, all of them wondering what Emily had been called in for.

"How long have they been in there?" JJ asked, taking a sip of the drink that was in her hand.

"Nearly 40 minutes" Garcia said, before her eye was caught by a male who was walked through the bullpen with two Agents beside him. "Look at that eye candy" Garcia said, motioning towards the male who was being escorted. "Anyone know who he is?" She asked.

"No clue" Morgan said, watching the male enter Hotch's office where his partner was. Back in the office, Emily was still a little annoyed about the whole predicament - and when she was finally introduced to Agent Booth, this didn't help how she felt.

"Emily Halstead, meet Special Agent Ryan Booth" Hotch said, Emily watched as Ryan Booth held out one of his hands for her to shake. She looked at him before turning to Hotch.

"This guy. Really?" Emily asked, before leaving the office and walking to hers - shutting the door behind her. Wondering why she had to be put undercover with some random guy. While she was sitting at her desk, Ryan Booth had made his way through her team to talk to her. Ryan knocked at her office door before walking in. "What?" Emily asked.

"I don't like this anymore than you. I've got a partner that I would rather go undercover with, and I bet so do you. I'll have your back as long as you have mine" Ryan told her, holding out a hand to shake - this one, Emily took.

In the few days, Emily spent a lot of time with Ryan - while the rest of the Intelligence team didn't trust this new man in Emily's life, none of them said anything. Nick had informed the team that Ryan was an FBI Agent who he had worked with before, but that didn't mean he liked Ryan at all.

As Emily walked into her house, she was greeted by her brothers - both of them sitting on her couch with beers in their hands. "Hey" Emily said as she hung up her coat and grabbed a beer for herself, before sitting down on an arm chair. "Is there a reason why you are in my house?" Emily asked.

"Ryan about?" Jay asked, wondering where his sisters new friend was.

"Ryan doesn't live here" Emily said, looking at her brother with a confused expression. "What's going on with everyone?" Emily asked. She watched as her brothers looked between each other for a moment before either of them spoke.

"We don't like Ryan" Jay and Will both said at the same time. Emily looked between her brothers, unsure of what is going on.


"Speedy, we know nothing about this guy" Jay said, watching his sisters face as he spoke. "We don't trust him. And, I'm sorry but that's just how we feel" He finished.

"Do you both feel like that?" Emily asked.

"Yeah, we do" Will said, nodding at his sister as he spoke.

"You don't know the guy" Emily told her brothers "Lets all get a drink and you can get to know him" She said, trying to win over her brothers. Jay and Will looked at each other before nodding at each other, then back to their sister.

"Okay" Jay said, smiling at his sister.

"Thank you" Emily told them, happy that her brothers where giving Ryan a chance.

The next night, Emily was sat in Molly's with Ryan by her side. She had told him about what her brothers had said to her, but this just made him laugh. Ryan had told her that if his sister was dating someone like him, he would be acting the same way as her brothers. As her brothers walked into the bar, Emily turned to them - ushering them over.

"Hey" Jay said, walking towards his sister with Will behind him.

"Be nice" Will whispered to Jay, not wanting his brother to go all over protective.

"Ryan, these are my brothers Jay and Will" Emily said, introducing Ryan to her brothers. While Will shook Ryan's hand, Jay just looked at him. If he was honest with himself, Jay always liked Severide being with Emily - someone he knew and trusted, but this new Ryan, was a stranger.

"It;s good to meet you both. Emily told me a lot about you" Ryan said, trying to win the brothers over. Throughout the night, Ryan was able to win Will over better than Jay - but that didn't stop him from trying his best. While Ryan would try his best to be as welcoming as he could, Jay wasn't having any of it. This annoyed Emily to the point where she was ready to leave the bar.

"It's getting late, I'm going to head home" Emily said, looking between her brothers.

"I'll walk you home" Ryan told her, picking up his coat and putting it on. "It was a pleasure meeting you both" He told Jay and Will.

"See you tomorrow" Emily said, before she started to leave the bar - letting Ryan follow behind her. As they walked back to Emily's house, Will was quick to ask what Jay was playing at.

"I told you to be nice" Will told his brother, moving around to the other side of the table. Shaking his head as he moved.

"I was nice" Jay argued back.

"If you keep up with this, we will lose her again" Will told his brother, as he stood up and picked up his coat "And if we do lose her again, I will blame you" He said before leaving out of the same door as his sister. Jay stayed seated, wondering why he had to have such annoying siblings. Especially since, he was only trying to keep Emily safe. As he sat in quiet contemplation, Emily was apologising to Ryan for the way her brother was with him.

"Don't worry about it" Ryan told her, giving her a smile as he spoke. "But, is there anymore people in your life who won't like me?" Ryan asked, joking a little with her.

"You haven't met Gabby Dawson yet, she really won't like you" Emily said, smiling and giving Ryan a kiss before walking into her house. Leaving him standing on her doorstep, wondering what it was going to be like meeting this Gabby Dawson.

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